
shèn tòu
  • permeate;permeation;infiltrate;osmosis;seep;transfuse
渗透 [shèn tòu]
  • (1) [permeate]∶渗入;透过

  • 液体渗透多孔物体

  • (2) [seep]∶比喻某种事物或势力逐渐进入其他方面

  • 封建观念的残余还渗透在我们生活的许多角落。--《伟大转变和重新学习》

渗透[shèn tòu]
  1. 反渗透技术应用于头孢菌素C提取工艺

    The application of reverse osmosis process in the exraction of cephalosporin C

  2. 原料液的pH值对反渗透膜分离特性的影响

    The effect of pH value on separative performance of reverse osmosis

  3. 部队挫败了对该岛南部的渗透企图。

    Troops repelled an attempt to infiltrate the south of the island .

  4. 涂料尽量干一些,以免颜色相互渗透。

    Keep the paint fairly dry so that the colours don 't bleed into each other .

  5. 它能使尼古丁平稳缓慢地渗透到血液里。

    It allows nicotine to diffuse slowly and steadily into the bloodstream

  6. 工程师说钚可能会开始从遭腐蚀的潜艇往外渗透。

    Engineers said that plutonium could begin seeping from the corroded sub.

  7. 最终,水会渗透进周围的混凝土中。

    Eventually , the water will permeate through the surrounding concrete .

  8. 血流得太多,渗透了我的平脚短裤。

    There was so much blood it had soaked through my boxer shorts

  9. 通过叙利亚人作媒介,希腊文化渗透到波斯。

    Through the medium of the Syrians Greek culture penetrated Persia .

  10. 水很容易渗透棉布衣服。

    Water will easily permeate a cotton dress .

  11. 侦察兵渗透到敌人阵地后面去了。

    The scouts infiltrated into the enemy positions .

  12. 根据非洲发展银行集团首席经济学家mthulincube的介绍,从整个非洲大陆的角度看,中国在这里的经济渗透步伐已经远远超过了美国。

    On a continental scale , china 's deal-making pace far exceeds the u.s. 's , according to mthuli ncube , chief economist at the African Development Bank group .

  13. 他确信自己由于劲头十足地追查渗透问题而正受到迫害。

    He was convinced that he was being victimized for his energetic pursuit of penetration .

  14. 水渗透入井里。

    Water filters into the well .

  15. 这种发生频率很高的、使次生渗透性能良好的岩体产生自封闭现象的反应就是泥岩化。

    The most frequent reaction causing the self-sealing of rocks with high secondary permeability is argillization .

  16. 雨水渗透了泥土。

    The rain permeated the soil .

  17. 科技越夹越强大,并且更加野心勃勃,几乎渗透到我们生活的方方面面。

    Technology is becoming bigger and more aspirational , and penetrating almost every aspect of our lives .

  18. 企业已经羸了一半,科技的确渗透到了我们生活的方方面面,记录我们的步数和心跳。

    Companies have already won part of the battle , having driven tech into every part of our lives , tracking our steps and our very heartbeats .

  19. 随着科技的发展,尤其是工作电子邮件已经渗透到了我们生活的方方面面,“保持工作生活平衡”几乎成了一个没有意义的术语。

    As technology ( and with it , work emails ) seeps into every aspect of our lives , work-life balance has become an almost meaningless term .

  20. 强化学校抵御宗教极端思想渗透工作

    enhance schools ' capacity to resist ideological infiltration by religious extremism

  21. 升高温度和降低膜下游压力可明显提高膜的渗透通量。

    Temperature and vacuity rising can enhance osmotic flux visibly .

  22. 坚决打赢意识形态领域反分裂、反渗透之战

    resolutely win the ideological battle against separation and infiltration

  23. 科学和技术已经渗透到我们生活的每一个方面。

    Science and technology have come to pervade every aspect of our lives .

  24. 外国势力开始渗透进这个国家。

    Foreign influence began to filter into the country .

  25. 他的演奏渗透着夸张诡异的节奏(安纳莱恩斯旺)

    His playing drips with exaggerated rubato and unorthodox tempi ( Annalyn Swan )

  26. 雨水透过房顶渗透

    The rain seeped through the roof .

  27. 水能渗透吸水纸。

    Water will permeate blotting paper .

  28. 地震波衰减机制和测量方法研究表明,在孔隙和渗透性碎屑岩中,流体运动是衰减的主要机制

    Direct measurement of seismic ascertains that fluid motion is a primary mechanism in porous , permeable elastics .

  29. 用BP网络预测粉煤灰混凝土的渗透性

    To Forcast Permeability of Fly Ash Concrete With Neural Network

  30. K值越大,表明胶粘剂在麦秆表面的扩散渗透能力越强。

    The bigger K value was , the stronger penetration and spreading capacity was .