
  • 网络life insurance marketing
  1. 第二部分:国外寿险营销渠道现状。

    Second part : Foreign life insurance marketing channel current situation .

  2. 对我国寿险营销创新的探讨

    New Probe into Life Insurance Marketing Innovation in Our Country

  3. 基于MVC模式的寿险营销支持系统开发研究

    The development research of life insurance agent management system based on MVC pattern

  4. 个人寿险营销作为人寿保险销售最有效的方法,在全世界已经有超过100年的历史,寿险代理人最高的荣誉组织MDRT(MillionDollarRoundTable)早在1927年就已经成立了。

    In the world it has more than 100 years of history . MDRT ( Million Dollar Round Table ) was established in 1927 for the supreme honor of life insurance agent .

  5. 我国寿险营销模式及其管理研究

    The Marketing Model and Management Research on Life Insurance of Our Country

  6. 寿险营销渠道发展与对策研究

    Development and Countermeasure Study on the Life Insurance Marketing Channel

  7. 论完善我国个人寿险营销培训体系

    On Improving China 's Individual Agent Training System Personal Storage

  8. 论寿险营销中消费者态度的强化与转变

    On the Strengthening and Changing of the Consumers'Attitude in Marketing the Life Insurance

  9. 保险公司,承销人〔新疆寿险营销人员胜任特征的初步研究

    The Preliminary Study of the Competency of Life Insurance Marketers in Xinjiang Area

  10. 第二,从三个层面初步设计了寿险营销员的激励机制。

    Secondly , the paper designs incentives for life insurance salesmen from three levels .

  11. 客户端的主要服务对象为寿险营销代理人员和投保的客户。

    The client system mainly provides service for the first marketing agents and the insurance clients .

  12. 农村寿险营销策略

    On Tactics of Rural Life-Insurance Marketing

  13. 代理制寿险营销模式:现状评估与改革建议

    The Marketing Model of Life Insurance Agent System : Assessment of Current Status and Reform Suggestions

  14. 但限于笔者的业务能力和精力有限,这些研究工作仍然是比较粗浅的、不完全的,对国内寿险营销渠道的论述可能不够全面透彻,结构连贯性不够强。

    However , these studies are still relatively limited , incomplete , without a strong structural coherence .

  15. 有效提升代理人在寿险营销环节中作用的可能性分析

    Analysis on the possibility of efficiently promoting agent functions in life insurance marketing links Life-insurance Marketing and Human Management

  16. 个人寿险营销机制的引进,推动了我国人寿保险业务的发展,并已成为寿险业营销主渠道。

    Individual agent marketing mechanism of life insurance is an important channel to improve the development of life insurance .

  17. 因此,借鉴儒家思想的积极因素,以儒家思想建构人寿险营销中的精神意愿是可行的。

    Thus , it is feasible to mold psychological desire in life insurance marketing with the affirmative factors in Confucianism .

  18. 截至09年10月,保监会公布目前在中国共有47家从事寿险营销的保险公司,公司数量较几年前翻倍,竞争越来越激烈。

    By October 2009 , China Insurance Regulatory Commission published that there were 47 life insurance companies in China at that time .

  19. 个人寿险营销发展迅猛,促进了中国个人人身保险市场的形成,但也面临着诸多挑战。

    Though personal life insurance marketing has developed quickly , which has promoted Chinese personal insurance market , it is facing many challenges .

  20. 与此同时,围绕我国寿险营销员管理改革所展开的理论探讨和实践创新也在不断地进行当中。

    At the same time , the debate and practice innovation focused on management reform of life insurance agent is in the progress .

  21. 第三章对我国银行代理寿险营销模式进行全面分析,阐述银行代理寿险营销模式运作情况,分析成功原因和存在的问题,进行全面总结评价。

    Chapter 3 analysis bank agency life insurance marketing mode , elaborate its operation , successful reason and problem , carrying on the overall summary evaluation .

  22. 作为寿险营销优质服务的实现者、品牌的推广者,个人代理员在保险产品的推广、提高公众的保险意识、增加公众对保险公司及行业的信心等方面都扮演着至关重要的角色。

    As the person to implement the high-quality service and promote the brand in life insurance marking , the agent is acting the very important role .

  23. 寿险营销是实现寿险业务增长、树立寿险企业良好形象和保证企业永续经营的根本保障。

    Life insurance marketing is the fundamental guarantee of achieving business growth , fostering a good image of the life insurance companies and business continuity protection .

  24. 我国的寿险营销机制主要是由美国友邦公司引进的,这套营销模式极大地促进了中国寿险业的发展。

    The life insurance marketing mechanism in China has been ushered from abroad principally by AIA , and has boosted the developments of life insurance industry in China dramatically .

  25. 第二章回顾了对国、内外非寿险营销模式的演变历程,明确了目前国内非寿险营销所处的发展阶段以及将来的发展趋势。

    Chapter Two reviews the evolvement of marketing of non-life insurance company both overseas and domestic , located the stage of domestic marketing of non-life insurance and its future trend .

  26. 本文认为,寿险营销人员知识素质水平的高低直接影响着寿险公司的信誉和寿险市场的健康发展,它们之间成正相关关系。

    The author points out that the knowledge quality level of life insurance salesman will directly affect the credit of life insurance company and the sound development of life insurance market .

  27. 其次分析了保险代理人制度的历史演变、个人寿险营销激励制度的内涵以及该制度在我国的优势和积极作用。

    Secondly , I introduced the history of insurance agent abroad , the individual development market management in China and analyzed the intention , the advantage and active effect of the system .

  28. 具体表现为寿险营销理念不科学、产品开发战略不合理、营销人员整体素质较低、营销渠道和促销手段单一、以及销售管理流程不规范等问题。

    Specifically , unscientific marketing concept , product development strategy unreasonable , the lower the quality of the marketing staff , marketing channels and promotions were single , and sales management processes were not standardized .

  29. 该研究结果可为寿险营销人员的招聘与选拔、培训与开发、绩效管理及职业生涯管理等人力资源工作提供参考和依据。

    The result of the research provides some helpful suggestions for the HR management of the life insurance industry , such as recruitment and selection , training and development , performance management and career development planning .

  30. 但当前保险营销员与保险公司处于委托代理关系,寿险营销的工作性质及营销员本身的法律定位,造成寿险营销员的低活动率、低留存率、低绩效、低收入等情况。

    Life insurance salesmen and life insurance company have agency relationship . The nature of life insurance marketing and life insurance marketers ' legal position lead to low retention rate , low capacity , and low income .