
  • 网络microsporangia;microsporangium;sporangiole;mirosl;mirosl orangium
  1. 结果发现,黑麦花药中胼胝质的合成最早出现在造孢细胞晚期,并首先在小孢子囊中央的造孢细胞中沉积,随后向小孢子囊两端的细胞扩展。

    It was found that the callose component initially occurred at late sporogenous cells stage in the cells located in center of microsporangium , and late extended towards the cells lying at its two ends .

  2. 初生造孢细胞直接行小孢子母细胞的功能,在小孢子囊中成单列。

    The primary sporogenous cells functioned directly as microspore mother cells and were arranged in a single row in a microsporangium .

  3. 小孢子囊由表皮、中间层、绒毡层和造孢组织组成。

    Gynospore sac consisted of epidermis , middle layer , tapetum and sporogenous tissue .

  4. 成熟花药有四个小孢子囊,花药壁发育属双子叶类型,绒毡层细胞具有二型性的特点。

    Mature anther has four clinandrium and the development of anther wall follows the dicotyledon type . Tapetum is the secretory type .

  5. 结果表明:其小孢子叶球5月中下旬开始萌动,小孢子囊着生在小孢子叶远轴面,且3-5小孢子囊以辐射状排列方式聚生成聚合囊。

    This species tends to initiate the male cones in middle or late May . The microsporophylls bear their microsporangia on the abaxial surface , and 3-5 microsporangia seem to be arranged radially into a sorus with a stalk .

  6. 不育株小孢子发生和发育过程中胼胝质的异常和小孢子缺乏孢粉素是引起小孢子囊败育的原因之一。

    It is suggested that the abnormality of callose wall and short of spro pollenin in the male sterile plant during the genesis and development of the microspore are the main reasons for abortion of microsporangium .

  7. 绒毡层细胞的染色质伴随着小孢子母细胞减数分裂有一个浓缩和伸展的时期,这个时期影响营养物质向小孢子囊内部转运。

    The chromatin of tapetal cell has a period of becoming condensed and then spreading accompanying the meiosis of the microspore mother cells , which will affect the entering of nutrient into the inner part of microsporangium .