
xiǎo zhǐ
  • little finger;pinky;digitus minimus;little finger or toe
小指 [xiǎo zhǐ]
  • [little finger or toe] 手的第五指

小指[xiǎo zhǐ]
  1. 降支或小指动脉尺侧支循第5掌骨头尺侧走行时发1~3支、外径0.3~0.7mm骨膜支,分布于第5掌骨背内面骨膜。

    When Going along with the fifth metacarpal bone head , the descending branch or little finger artery ulnaris sent off the 1 ~ 3 pieces periosteum branch with diameter 1.7 ± 0.4 mm , which distributed in the periosteal on the back of fifth metacarpal bone .

  2. 小指展肌挛缩1例报道

    Contracture of abductor of little finger : A case report

  3. 有趣的是,坎耶·维斯特(KanyeWest)的女友金被拍到小指上戴着戒指。

    Interestingly , Kanye West 's main squeeze was snapped wearing the bauble on her right pinky finger .

  4. 用CH,MA证明了对每个小指数子群G≤Sym(ω1)都存在可数子集X(?)

    Using CH , MA , it is shown that for every small index subgroup G ≤ Sym (ω _1 ), there is a countable subset X (?)

  5. 本试验研究拇短展肌和小指展肌,单个刺激时,观察F波出现率为9.84%,双重刺激时F波消失。

    F wave and H reflex were studied in the abductor pollicis brevis . The probability of F wave evoked by single stimulation was 9 . 84 % . But F wave was canceled by double stimulation .

  6. 而同组患者3/23例(13%)小指展肌RNS缺血加强试验阳性。

    In same myasthenia gravis group , RNS of ADM in 3 / 23 ( 13 % ) patients were positive after ischemic blood .

  7. 方法以小指展肌RNS缺血加强试验为对照,测定了重症肌无力27例及正常人21例的肘肌RNS。

    Methods As compared with abductor digiti minimi ( ADM ) muscle , anconeus RNS was conducted on 27 patients with myasthenia gravis and 21 control subjects .

  8. 方法对临床诊断为肘管综合征的82例(82侧)患者,测定以下电生理检查:(1)第一背侧骨间肌,小指展肌,尺侧屈腕肌的肌电图(EMG);

    Methods The following electrophysiologic tests were conducted in 82 patients with clinically diagnosed cubital tunnel syndrome : 1 . electromyography ( EMG ) of the first dorsal interossei , abductor digiti minimi manus muscles , and flexor carpi ulnaris muscles ;

  9. 小指固有伸肌的类型及其腱滑液鞘

    Types of M. extensor digiti quinti proprius and its synovial sheaths

  10. 那你一定知道我动一下小指会怎么样。

    Then you know what happens when I flex my pinky .

  11. 看起来太蠢了,这是个小指戒。

    It looks stupid . it 's a pinky ring .

  12. 小指外展肌重建拇指对掌功能

    Study the reconstruction of thumb opposing function with abductor of little finger

  13. 你可以量一下我的小指吗?

    Would you take the measurements of my little finger ?

  14. 突然她的小指刺在了纺锤上。

    Suddenly she pricked her little finger on the spindle .

  15. 出水的时候要大拇指先出水,而不是小指。

    Exit the water thumb first rather than pinkie first .

  16. 小指伸肌腱的解剖学研究进展国人手的指短伸肌

    Progress in anatomy research of tendons stretching the little finger

  17. 玛丽在她的小指上戴了一只戒指。

    Marie wears a ring on her little finger .

  18. 我们可以用肘辅助动作来帮助小指。

    We can assist the little finger with auxiliary motion of the elbow .

  19. 我的小指被门夹到。

    My little pinkie got caught in the door .

  20. 当你刺激小指的时候,病人立即就能感受到刺激。

    When you stimulated the little finger , the patient felt it immediately .

  21. 小指展肌瓣的应用解剖学

    Applied Anatomy of the Abductor Digiti Minimi Muscle Flap

  22. 如果她的小指边沿有火药残留。

    If there were residue along her pinkie lines .

  23. 小指固有伸肌腱移位术后小指伸直障碍的防治

    The prevention of straighten complication after grafting proper extensor muscle of fifth digit

  24. 他听后大笑,用拇指和小指比量一下对我说“只会很少一点”。

    He laughed and he said'a little bit'meansuring with his finger and thumb .

  25. 我差点失去了你皮特小指

    I could 've lost you , Peter Pinkie .

  26. 结果掌短肌皮瓣的血供有4个来源:即尺动脉干、掌浅支的肌皮支和皮支、掌深支和小指尺侧固有动脉的肌皮支。

    Results There were four sources of blood supply to palmaris brevis musculocutaneous flap ;

  27. 小指友开始他们的美国之旅。

    Finger pal is starting their trip to USA.

  28. 这是个有趣的现象,因为随着手指向小指方向移动,手指敏感度会降低。

    Thats interesting , because finger sensitivity declines as you head towards the pinky .

  29. 感觉诱发电位的测定(小指→腕,腕→肘)。

    Sensory nerve action potentials ( SNAP ) ( little finger-wrist , wrist-elbow ) .

  30. 与人们共同认为的相反,小指是较强壮的一个手指。

    Contrary to common belief the fifth finger is one of the stronger fingers .