
xiǎo pán
  • small plate
  1. 她坐在那里一点点地吃着一小盘米饭色拉,一副可怜兮兮的模样。

    She sat picking at her small plate of rice salad with an air of martyrdom .

  2. 不小盘前菜他连盆子都快舔干净了而她连蛋白水果甜饼都没吃完

    No , small plate , starter . He 's practically licked it clean . She 's nearly finished her pavlova .

  3. 踢毽子Shuttlecock毽子由橡胶或塑料小盘制成,上面有许多羽毛。

    The shuttlecock is made out of rubber or a plastic disk and attached with many feathers .

  4. 掌管4000万英镑的GLG科技股本基金(GLGTechnologyEquity,以前名为SG科技基金)青睐小盘成长型股票。

    The 40m GLG Technology Equity fund ( formerly SG Technology ) favours small-cap growth stocks .

  5. 但由中国公司组成的小盘股指数香港创业板指数(Gem)却上扬8.5%。

    Yet the GEM board , a small-caps index of Chinese companies , has risen 8.5 per cent .

  6. 另外,由于最近通过的JumpstartOurBusinessStartupsAct法案,我们还将开始看到一系列小盘股发行。

    We also could begin to see a slew of new issuance from small-cap companies , thanks to recent jobs act legislation .

  7. 深证综指(ShenzhenComposite)收涨2.93%,而以小盘股为主的创业板(ChiNext)则收涨2.76%。

    Shenzhen had gained 2.4 per cent , while the small cap ChiNext board had added 1.9 per cent .

  8. 汉诺塔问题:有ABC三根柱子,A柱上有n个大小不等的盘子,大盘在下,小盘在上。

    Tower of Hanoi problem : There are three pillars ABC , A column has n different sizes of plates , the broader market in the next , small cap on .

  9. 要求将所有的盘子从A柱搬到C柱上,每次只能搬动一个,搬动过程中可以借助另一个柱子,但是必须满足大盘在下,小盘在上。

    Requires that all of the plates to move C from A column column , you can only move one can make use of the process of moving to another post , but must meet the market in the next , small cap on .

  10. 国内经济增长疲软,公司上市前缺乏风险资本投资,小盘股市场波动性高等,都是日本IPO活动低迷的原因所在。

    Weak domestic economic growth , a lack of venture capital invested in companies before they list and high volatility in the small-cap markets have all contributed to the slump in Japanese IPOs .

  11. 沪东型(HD)螺旋桨是一种新型的叶剖面、中等侧斜、小盘面比的螺旋桨。它具有效率高、振动和噪音低、重量轻等优良性能。

    HD propellers are a type of marine propellers having new blade sections , moderate skew and a small area-ratio , with the virtues of higher efficiency , lower vibration and noise and lighter weight .

  12. 对小盘股(DimensionalFundAdvisors的小公司组合衡量的对象)来说,与国会和白宫在同一政党控制之下的情形相比,如果华盛顿陷入僵持,这些股票的回报率平均要低21个百分点。

    Small stocks ( as measured by Dimensional Fund Advisors ' small-company portfolios ) returned an average of 21 percentage points less in years when Washington was in gridlock than they did when Congress and the White House were under common control .

  13. 当供水负压为1cm,盘径为14.4cm(小盘径),导水率和宏观毛管上升高度的空间连续性没有表现出来。

    When tension was 1 cm and disc diameter was 14.4 cm , the spatial structure of hydraulic conductivity was not displayed .

  14. 麦格理(Macquarie)策略师邵炯在上周发给客户的一份报告中也表达了同样的担心,警告说蜂拥抢购中国小盘股使风险处于空前的高位。

    Macquarie strategist Jiong Shiao echoed those concerns in a note to clients last week , warning that the rush to Chinese small caps has left risk at ' unprecedented ' high levels .

  15. 总的来说,包括冬青基金(WintergreenFund)经理戴维•温特斯和来自GardnerRusso&Gardner公司的汤姆•罗素在内,所有与会投资者都认为大盘股的机会更大,好过小盘股或科技股。

    Generally , all the investors , which also included David winters of the wintergreen fund and Tom Russo of Gardner Russo & Gardner , thought there was more opportunity in large capitalization stocks , than smaller or technology companies .

  16. 同时,采用投资者心态模型(BSV模型)检验发现由于中国投资者的心理偏差导致了在我国证券市场上的行为偏差&反应不足和反应过度,还引起了我国小盘股的新年效应。

    Finds out the mental biases of China investors arouse the behavior biases on the security markets and Turn of Year Effect on Stock Market Prices .

  17. 小盘股市场的发展及其监管机制

    On the Development and Surveillance Mechanism of the Small - Cap Market

  18. 找出市场是青睐大盘股还是小盘股。

    Find out if the market currently favors big-cap or small-cap stocks .

  19. 书并不旧并且附带小盘,欣喜之余特做此证明。

    The book is not only new but also with a small disk .

  20. 香港股市中的小盘股效应及季节效应分析

    Small Firm Effect and Monthly Effect : Evidence from Hong Kong Stock Exchange

  21. 我们的首道菜就是小盘沙拉吃完后直接就食用那些花

    we started with the small salade and we grazed on those flowers .

  22. 忽然间,桌上堆满了大盘小盘吃的

    and suddenly there are piles and piles of food on our table ,

  23. 第一股东变更型的更名股票中,小盘股的公司占一半以上。

    Shareholder changed , the small dish stock company occupies one above the half .

  24. 小盘股基金:海外运作经验及其借鉴

    Overseas Experience of Managing Small-size Investment Fund

  25. 有关部门应该设计更巧妙的方式,提高小盘股的市场流动性。

    The authorities should devise more ingenious ways to increase market liquidity for small caps .

  26. 然而,自2001年开始,英国投资者开始不断从小盘股行业撤资。

    However , since 2001 UK investors have been taking money away from the small cap sector .

  27. 高考取得佳绩明星小盘点

    Stars who aced national exams

  28. 共振系数在小盘速和薄气膜下较小;

    The resonance coefficient is small in cases of thinner gas film and slower disk rotation speed .

  29. 令人瞠目的估值促使一些市场观察人士警告,小盘股已形成泡沫。

    The eye-popping valuations have led some market watchers to warn of a bubble in small-cap shares .

  30. 在近期中国内地股市领先世界的涨势中,小盘股(尤其是科技股)跑赢了大型股。

    Small-cap shares especially tech stocks have outperformed large-caps during the recent world-beating rally in mainland shares .