
xiǎo jūn luò
  • microcolony
  1. 小菌落突变株:一种利于持续复发性感染的细菌致病形式

    Small Colony Variants : a Pathogenic Form of Bacteria that Facilitates Persistent and Recurrent Infections

  2. 小菌落突变株是一种具有独特表型及致病特征且生长缓慢的细菌亚群。

    Phenotypically , small colony variants have a slow growth rate , atypical colony morphology and unusual biochemical characteristics , making them a challenge for clinical microbiologists to identify .

  3. 在六七十年代,就发现了小菌落在半乳糖,麦芽糖等碳源上生长的缺陷,从而提出了线粒体中有控制着对不同糖利用的因子。

    In the sixties and seventies , researchers found some petites defect in utilization of galactose , maltose and other carbon sources , and speculated that there must be some signals that from mitochondria responsible for this phenotype .

  4. 使用由亚硝基胍诱变所得到的营养缺陷型作为单倍体融合亲株的核基因标记,同时也采用线粒体球红霉素抗性突变株的小菌落形式作为融合亲株的线粒体基因标记。

    The auxotrophs obtained by nitrosoguanidine treatment were used as the markers for nuclear genotype of the haploid parents , and at the same time the petite form with mitochondrial mutation in globorubermycin resistance was used as the marker for mitochondrial genotype of fusion parents .

  5. 方法:1.菌培养:对须癣毛癣菌的4株肉芽肿株和4株体癣株进行27℃和37℃平皿培养、钢圈法小培养,观察菌落生长形态和显微镜下形态。

    Method : 1 . plate culture and small steel ring culture method On 4 granuloma strains and 4 tinea strains in 25 ℃ and 37 ℃ respectively , to observe the colony morphology and microscopic morphology . 2 .