
xiǎo dài shǔ
  • Kangaroo;wallaby;pademelon
  1. 注意街上小袋鼠!

    Watch out for that wallaby !

  2. 我要去见一个人,商量一下关于一个小袋鼠的事情。

    I 'm going to see a man about a wallaby .

  3. 有一只小袋鼠很幸运,它之所以还活着,是因为遇到了两个来自新南威尔士的青少年。

    There is a young kangaroo that is lucky to be alive today , thanks to meeting a pair of New South Wales teenagers .

  4. 据美联社报道,Tijana的母亲被一只食火鸟吓到后,六个月大的小袋鼠从她的育儿袋中掉了下来,并且其母亲拒绝让她再进来。

    After Tijana 's mother had been scared by an emu , the six-month-old kangaroo fell out of her pouch , and the mother'roo wouldn 't let her back in , the Associated Press reported .

  5. 周培:噢,它有一只小袋鼠!

    Zhou Pei : Oh , it has a baby kangaroo !

  6. 那个小袋鼠多么可爱啊。它正在睡觉。

    That baby kangaroo is so cute . It 's sleeping .

  7. 笨笨喜欢制造混乱&跟小袋鼠一样。

    Lumpy likes to make a mess * just like Roo .

  8. 有这么一只小袋鼠,它在学校里非常淘气。

    There was a small Kangaroo who was bad in school .

  9. 一只小袋鼠成为绝好的目标。

    A baby kangaroo called Joey makes an excellent target .

  10. 小袋鼠让笨笨来到自己的家见见它的朋友。

    Roo takes Lumpy home to meet his friends .

  11. 大袋鼠以肚袋装小袋鼠。

    A kangaroo carries its young in its pouch .

  12. 小袋鼠是像袋鼠一样有袋的哺乳类动物并食用含有大量制备的食物。

    Wallabies are marsupial mammals like kangaroos and eat diets high in vegetation .

  13. 小袋鼠说:我能跳得跟太阳一样高。

    I can jump as high as the sun said the little one .

  14. 母袋鼠把小袋鼠召唤到自己身边。

    His mother calls joey to her side .

  15. 雌袋鼠把小袋鼠放在身体外表的育儿袋里。

    Female kanga-roos carry their young in pouches that are external to their bodies .

  16. 你问过小袋鼠了吗?还有土拔鼠?

    Have you tried Walla walla ? Cucamonga ?

  17. 它们的育儿袋里放着小袋鼠时看起来非常可爱。

    And when they have a little baby in the pouch it looks adorable .

  18. 但是小袋鼠想寻找一只长鼻怪。

    But Roo wants to find a heffalump .

  19. 她把她的小袋鼠丢了。

    She lost her dear baby , Roo .

  20. 她很担心小袋鼠,但又不能抛下老袋熊不管。

    She was worried about her Joey but wouldn 't leave poor old Wombat .

  21. 野狗悄悄向前,而不知情的小袋鼠仍在忙着梳理自己。

    The dingo slinks forward while the joey , unaware , keeps busy grooming himself .

  22. 澳大利亚北部的小袋鼠。

    Small kangaroo of northeastern Australia .

  23. 大袋鼠以肚袋装小袋鼠。(指眼睛)有某种眼睑的。

    A kangaroo carries its young in a pouch . Ng lids of a particular type .

  24. “笨笨不吓人,”小袋鼠说,“笨笨跟我们一样!”

    " Lumpy is not scary ," says Roo . " Lumpy is just like us !"

  25. 但是笨笨不害怕小袋鼠。

    But Lumpy is not scary .

  26. 小袋鼠找到了一个脚印。

    Roo finds a footprint .

  27. 但它感觉到更大的机会。一只小袋鼠成为绝好的目标。

    But it seems a large opportunity . A baby kangaroo called joey makes an excellent target .

  28. 观赏袋鼠、小袋鼠和北夜宴蛙,探索疏花桉树林、湿地和野花铺地的平原。

    See kangaroos , wallabies and northern corroboree frogs and explore snow-gum woodlands , wetlands and wildflower-cloaked plains .

  29. 袋鼠妈妈临死之前伸出手,试图最后一次去拥抱自己那年幼的小袋鼠。

    A mother kangaroo has been captured reaching out to cuddle her joey one last time before she died .

  30. 一看到这只抱着泰迪熊毛绒玩具的小袋鼠,我们就立马爱上了它。

    We 're just as in love with this little kangaroo as he is with his stuffed teddy bear .