
  • 网络Iverson;ellen;cgl;Els silvrants
  1. 唯一例外的是小艾。

    Only notable exception is Allen Iverson .

  2. “我不太会跳舞,所以不会有太多的舞蹈动作”小艾说到。

    " I don 't really dance and it 's not so much dancing ," she said .

  3. 老板不会让小艾做所有特技,因为如果他受伤,就要停拍了。

    The studio won 't let Alex do all of his stunts because the production would get shut down if he gets hurt .

  4. 小艾的工作很累,他所做的真的很有难度,我觉得人们并没有给他适当的评价。

    " Alex has a really tough job on this show , what he 's doing is really difficult and I don 't think people give him enough credit ," he says .

  5. 1949年,对当时政治语境所作的两次迎合性尝试&《小艾》和《十八春》的最终失败标志着这一立场的彻底倾斜乃至丧失。

    The final failure in Xiao ' ai and The 18th Spring-two attempts to cater for the political context of 1949 , marked the inclination and even total loss of her commonality standpoint .

  6. 本文通过良好的设计和大量应用业界先进技术,确保了小艾通知云推送服务具有良好的稳定性、可扩展性和安全性,能够很好的支持大量并发用户的请求。

    The paper makes a good design and uses many industry leading technologies to ensure that the service has a good stability , scalability and security . It can well support a large number of concurrent user requests .