
  1. 如果我和你谈女人,you'llprobablygivemeasyllabusofyourpersonalfavorites。Syllabus纲要;摘要。

    If I ask you about women , you 'll probably give me a syllabus of your personal favorites .

  2. 如果我想跟你谈女人,你可能向我如数家珍。

    If I ask you about women , you probably give a syllabus of your personal favorites .

  3. 尽管我有话谈放纵的女人。

    Although I have to say , forwomen ofloose morals .

  4. 是女人吗你刚才没告诉我我们现在谈的可是女人啊

    Is it a woman ? Oh , you didn 't tell me we are talking about a woman .

  5. 我现在不想跟你谈什么男人女人的问题。我只想谈怎么样不会死的问题。

    I don 't want to play the gender card right now . Let 's play the Let 's Not Die Card .

  6. 我想谈的第一个女人是娘娘腔的男人投手。

    The first woman I 'd like to talk about isMollyPitcher .

  7. 大学毕业前还没谈过恋爱的女人

    woman who haven 't fallen in love before graduation

  8. 你想跟我谈我过去的女人不是吧你你杀了她你想说什么

    You wanna discuss the woman in my past seriously ? You killed her . What 's your point ?

  9. 当天玛利亚即被女皇召见,她发现同自己谈过话的那个女人就是女皇本人。

    Maria was summoned to the royal presence the same day and discovered that it was the empress herself to whom she had spoken .