
jiù dì bǎo hù
  • in situ conservation
  1. 西双版纳社区旱稻品种多样性与就地保护初探

    Upland rice variety diversity and in situ conservation in the communities of Xishuangbanna

  2. 中国国家重点保护野生植物的就地保护现状

    The in situ conservation of state key protected wild plants in national nature reserves in China

  3. 四合木(TetraenaMongolicaMaxim.)自然更新及就地保护途径的研究

    A Study on the Natural Renewal and on-site Conservation of Tetraena Mongolica Maxim

  4. 实践证明:在基于电压-时间型的馈线自动化就地保护配网模式下,利用GPRS通信网络实现配电自动化数据的传输是经济可行的。

    In the situation of applying the local protection mode of distribution automation based on voltage-time typed feeder terminal , using GPRS network to transmit the FTU data is feasible and economical .

  5. 建议对银杏自然群体的保护以就地保护为主。

    So natural populations of ginkgo protected in situ is advised .

  6. 作物野生亲缘种的就地保护;

    The conservation of wild relatives of crops in situ ;

  7. 中国的生物多样性保护采取就地保护和迁地保护相结合的途径。

    China has adopted the on-site conservation and off-site preservation methods to protect biodiversity .

  8. 基于舟山新木姜子的物种保护及资源利用,建议加强现有自然居群的就地保护,促进居群自然更新;

    Management strategies were proposed for species conservation and resource utilization for Neolitsea sericea .

  9. 建立自然保护区是生物多样性就地保护的重要措施之一。

    Establishing nature reserves is one of the most important approaches for in situ biodiversity conservation .

  10. 浙江第一古樟就地保护措施研究

    A Study of protecting Measures on the Spot for the First Ancient Cinnamomum Camphora of Zhejiang

  11. 首先简要论述了珍稀植物濒危的原因、濒危机制的各种理论和研究方法,包括就地保护和迁地保护两个方面的保育策略的制定与实践。

    This paper briefly reviewed the endangered reasons , endangered mechanism and conservation strategy of rare plant .

  12. 一般来说森林遗传资源的就地保护可以通过建立自然保护区来实现。

    Generally , in situ conservation of forest genetic resources may be realized by establishing nature reserves .

  13. 山东青岛沿海岛屿耐冬山茶濒临灭绝的原因及其就地保护问题

    The endangered causes of Camellia japonica and its in-situ conservation in islands around Qingdao city , Shangdong Province

  14. 建立自然保护区是就地保护野生动植物的最有效措施。

    Establishing nature reserves is the most effective method for the in-site conservation of wild plants and animals .

  15. 本工作可为该物种的就地保护及优良种质的选育提供基础资料。

    The results can be used for basic data of in situ conservation and germplasm breeding of G.crassicaulis .

  16. 湖北珍稀濒危野生植物物种多样性就地保护之评议

    Evaluation and Proposal to In-situ Conservation of Species Diversity of the Precious , Rare and Endangered Wild Plants in Hubei

  17. 基于观察到的居群遗传信息,建议采取就地保护和迁地保护的保护措施。

    Conservation measures are suggested , including in situ and ex situ strategies , based on the observed population genetic information .

  18. 对生物多样性的保护措施是就地保护、迁地保护和建立繁育中心。

    To protect biodiversity , in-situ protection and ex-situ protection are to be adopted , and breed centers are to be established .

  19. 江西省生物多样性保护与自然保护区建设中国的生物多样性保护采取就地保护和迁地保护相结合的途径。

    The Relationship between Biodiversity Conservation and Nature Reserve in Jiangxi Province China has adopted the on-site conservation and off-site preservation methods to protect biodiversity .

  20. 卧龙自然保护区是世界上最大的以保护大熊猫为主题的人与生物圈保护网成员单位,是我国生物多样性保护的关键地区,也是开展生态系统就地保护的重要基地。

    WoLong nature reserve is the largest ur of U.N. " man and the biosphere program of protect net " for pan < conservation in the world .

  21. 实践表明,基于就地保护理念的城市配电网智能分布环式供电是经济可行的。

    The practice shows that the intelligent distribution bop service mode in urban distribution power network based on the concept of local protection is economic and feasible .

  22. 其中体现的就地保护原则,国际合作原则,适当保护原则等等都是值得各个国家借鉴的。

    Which reflect the in situ conservation of principle , the international cooperation principle , appropriate protection principle and so on all is worth countries using for reference .

  23. 建议将长鳍吻鮈看作为单一的进化显著单元,整体就地保护,同时还要重视群体中稀有和特有等位基因的保护。

    R.ventralis was suggested in situ conservation as a single evolutionarily significant unit ( ESU ), and protection of the rare and endemic allele should be taken seriously .

  24. 对东乡野生稻的保护措施主要有就地保护(原地保护或原位保护)和迁地保护(易地保护或异位保护)。

    At present , some measures have been taken to protect wild rice , such as in situ conservation ( on-site maintenance ) and ex situ conservation ( off-site maintenance ) .

  25. 在就地保护过程中,应当准确地选择保护点的植物居群,使其包含该植物种类的丰富遗传多样性和较高的进化潜力;

    For in-situ conservation , it is very important to accurately select conservation sites and populations that contain the most abundant genetic diversity and have continued evolutionary potential for the plant species .

  26. 目前浙江省已有8个省级以上野生植物和森林生态系统类型自然保护区(点),就地保护国家重点保护植物达38种,占浙江省国家重点保护野生植物总种数(50种)的76%;

    There are 38 species of important national protected wild plants have been in situ protected in 8 nature reserves of Zhejiang Province , accounting for 76 % of 50 species in Zhejiang .

  27. 鸟鼠和人为因素三个方面分析了导致云南红豆杉处于濒危状态的原因。以此提出了就地保护、迁地保护结合种源收集和资源发展结合利用的云南红豆杉三项有效保护性措施。

    According to the cause analysis , three measures , in situ conservation , ex situ conservation combined with provenance collection , and resource development combined with utilization , were worked out in order to protect Taxus yunnanensis effectively .

  28. 根据我国鹤类研究的文献资料、地方动物志和有鹤分布记录的自然保护区科学考察报告,研究我国鹤类的地理分布、迁徙路线及就地保护现状。

    Study on the distribution , migration routes and on site protection of cranes in China , on the basis of analyzing the materials , local fauna and scientific research report of Nature Reserve which has cranes residing in .

  29. 建立自然保护区是保护生物多样性的最有效途径,对珍稀濒危物种而言迁地保护是主要措施之一,就地保护和迁地保护结合使生物多样性保护更加有效。

    Natural reserve establishment is the most effective approach for biodiversity conservation . Ex-situ conservation is one of the major measures in conservation of rare and endangered species . Combination of in-situ conservation and ex-situ conservation is effective for biodiversity conservation .

  30. 高压开关柜就地测控保护单元(MLU)技术研究

    Microprocessor Local Unit ( MLU ) Integrated with Protection Measurement and Supervision in HV Switch Cupboard