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  • 网络Broodiness;Brood iness
  1. 在家禽中PRL主要影响就巢性,进而影响到产蛋性能等繁殖性状。

    In avian , PRL is especially crucial for reproduction traits such as broodiness and thus for egg production .

  2. 母鸡的就巢性增强,产蛋量下降;

    Increase of the hen with respect to mew sex , volume yield an egg drops ;

  3. 此位点的差异可能导致催乳素前体翻译加工的不同,使伊莎蛋鸡无就巢性。

    Such difference might cause a different translation processing of pre-prolactin , which could make layer Isa non-broody .

  4. 就宁都黄鸡性成熟、产蛋规律、受精率和孵化率、种蛋品质和精液品质以及就巢性等5个方面进行研究并作了论述。

    This essay studies Ningdu Yellow Chicken on their sexual maturity , laying law , rate of fertilization , rate of hatchability , quality of breeding eggs , quality of semen and sitting nature .