
zhǎn tīnɡ
  • exhibition hall;showroom
  1. 展厅里有多种式样的厨房可供选择。

    The showroom has a wide selection of kitchens .

  2. 在北京工人体育场(Beijing’sWorkersStadium)他那由设计师设计的汽车展厅里,金宝以英国人那种典型的轻描淡写的态度,列举了自己遭遇的一系列大大小小的麻烦。

    In his designer showroom at Beijing 's Workers Stadium , Mr James ticks through a catalogue of mishaps , big and small , with typical British understatement .

  3. 我从最后一个展厅里出来,走进一个六角形的房间。

    As I exited the final display , I entered a hexagonal room

  4. 彼得·福雷是自然历史博物馆鱼类化石展厅的负责人。

    Peter Forey is curator of fossil fishes at the Natural History Museum .

  5. 展厅里张挂着许多国画。

    The exhibition hall is decorated with many traditional Chinese paintings .

  6. 这个展厅有很多物理实验演示,因此是最受欢迎的。

    This is the most popular room because there are lots of physics tests .

  7. 展厅面积3400平方米,展出1100多件精选出来的党史文物。

    More than 1100 selected items that highlight the Party 's history have been displayed in the exhibition area spanning 3400 square meters .

  8. 如今一项调查确认,书商所说的这种“展厅现象”并不是他们臆想出来的。

    Now a survey has confirmed that the practice , known among booksellers as showrooming , is not a figment of their imaginations .

  9. 基于Web的地学数字博物馆矿物展厅系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Mineral Hall in Geological Digital Museum based on Web

  10. 有时站在展厅,我感到很幸运,能在RAM结识很多良师益友。

    I feel really lucky for knowing so many nice and professional people in RAM .

  11. LED筒灯适合于商场、写字楼、酒店、家居、会议室和展厅等室内场所照明。

    LED downlight is suitable for shopping malls , office building , hotels , homes , conference rooms and exhibition spaces and so on .

  12. 人们可以从访问一个闪闪发光的展厅看到上述想法的结果《信息周刊》(informationweek)最近举办了关于数据安全威胁的“黑暗阅读和黑帽”展览。

    The outcome can be seen by visiting the shimmering venue where information week , the magazine , recently ran a " dark reading and black hat " event on data security threats .

  13. C展厅采用旋流风口与球型风口送风相结合的送风方式。空调系统采用BA控制,对冷水系统、冷却水系统、新风机组、空气处理机及排风系统进行自动控制。

    The air conditioning system adopts BA control system automatically controlling the chilled water system , cooling water system , air handling units and exhaust systems etc.

  14. 特斯拉表示,在该公司的展厅里,每平方英尺的面积带来的销售额是苹果公司(Apple)的两倍,而苹果目前被公认为是行业领军者。

    Tesla says it enjoys sales per square foot at its showrooms that are double that of Apple . The tech company is currently considered the industry leader .

  15. 投资2500万英镑建造的电影中心兼剧院HOME将于5月21日开放,它还包括美术展厅、数字制作和广播设施、酒吧和书店。

    Opening on May 21 is the & # 163 ; 25 million film center and theater HOME , which also includes gallery spaces , digital production and broadcast facilities , a bar and a bookshop .

  16. 如果参vb观一下品牌重新标志的展厅,就会对我们的品牌和我们的价值观留下很深刻的印象。

    If you visit one of our re-branded showrooms , you 'll get a strong impression of our brand and what we stand for .

  17. 实践证明PVC塑料地板有很广阔的发展前途,可广泛的运用于医院、体育馆、展厅、食品厂、药品厂等公共建筑。

    Therefore , this technique has the extensively potential application in public buildings including hospitals , sports centers , exhibition halls , food plants , and pharmaceutical plants .

  18. 在今年11月举行的拉各斯贸易博览会(lagostradefair)上,中国是唯一拥有自己展厅的国家逾50家公司在展厅展示了自己的商品。

    At the Lagos trade fair in November , China was the only country to have its own hall , where more than 50 companies displayed their wares .

  19. 本田技研工业(中国)投资有限公司(HondaMotor(China)InvestmentCo.)发言人浅沼奈津乃(NatsunoAsanuma)说,从本月初以来,本田中国展厅的接待人数显著增加。

    Natsuno Asanuma , a spokeswoman for Honda Motor ( China ) Investment Co. , said there had been a noticeable increase in visitors to its showrooms in China since the beginning of this month . '

  20. 因此,去年底税收上调时,从他的展厅卖出的吉利熊猫(geelypanda)微型车就有所增加。

    So sales of the Geely panda mini-compact car from his showroom grew when taxes rose at the end of last year .

  21. SBR贴片式系列LED日光灯适用于商场、写字楼、酒店、家居、会议室和展厅等室内场所的各种照明。

    XH-SBR SMD LED fluorescent light suitable for shopping malls , office building , hotels , homes , conference rooms and exhibition hall and other indoor places of all kinds of lighting .

  22. 他想确保得到展厅最前端的位置,这样就可以用最盛大的方式来发布AppleII,于是他预先支付了5000美元,这让沃兹大感震惊。

    He wanted to secure a location right at the front of the hall as a dramatic way to launch the Apple II , and so he shocked Wozniak by paying $ 5000 in advance .

  23. 中国华为(Huawei)在世界移动通信大会(MobileWorldCongress)第一展厅占据的巨大展台,昭示了它作为一家全球电信设备提供商的抱负。

    The scale of Huawei 's ambitions as a provider of global telecoms equipment was made apparent by the size of the vast building it occupied in the first hall met by visitors entering Mobile World Congress .

  24. 最近在一家上海展厅,一位上汽销售人员在推销荣威550时,一上来就指出它的外观酷似宝马(BMW)。

    At a Shanghai showroom recently , an SAIC saleswoman started her sales pitch about the 550 by pointing out that the exterior looked like a BMW .

  25. 对一个300m×130m大型展厅(厅中无柱)的气流组织的3个方案在等温条件下进行了数值模拟。

    This paper numerically simulated three air distribution systems for a 300m × 130m large-scale exhibition hall under isothermal condition .

  26. 亚马逊(Amazon)等在线竞争对手使百思买沦落成一个臃肿的展厅,消费者到这里来触摸、感受产品,只是为了以更低的价格在线购买。

    Online competitors like Amazon ( AMZN ) have forced best buy into becoming a bloated showroom for consumers to touch and feel product only to buy the same product online for less .

  27. 负责这个展厅的经销商自称名叫雷蒙德(raymond),中国经济增长放缓以及欧元区的危机似乎并没有影响到他的心情。

    The dealer in charge , who gives his name as Raymond , seems unfazed by the economic slowdown in China and the eurozone crisis .

  28. 它散发出浓重的金钱味道,拥有一个满是奢侈品的商场,以及玛莎拉蒂(Maserati)和劳斯莱斯(Rolls-Royce)的展厅。

    It exudes wealth and features a mall stocked with luxuries as well as showrooms for Maserati and Rolls-Royce .

  29. 不久前的一个周日,一度有600个人挤满了艺术馆的两个展厅,观看这个“莫奈:印象派大师”(Monet:MasterofImpressionism)展,该展览持续到6月15日。

    On a recent Sunday , 600 people at a time filled the two rooms of the gallery space to see " Monet : Master of Impressionism , " on view until June 15 .

  30. 在本周的北京国际汽车展览会上,上汽的展厅装饰着塔桥、威廉莎士比亚(williamshakespeare)、一座红色电话亭、一个茶壶和一杯茶的照片。

    Its stand this week at the Auto China show in Beijing was adorned with images of tower bridge , William Shakespeare , a red telephone booth and a teapot with cup of tea .