
shān yīn
  • Shanyin;ubac
山阴 [shān yīn]
  • [ubac] 山坡背阴的一面;山的北侧

山阴[shān yīn]
  1. 目的探讨慢性砷中毒患者自觉症状、皮肤色素异常及过度角化的影响因素。方法选择山西大同地区山阴县黑疙瘩乡大营村进行调查问卷及体检,结果进行单因素及多因素Logistic逐步回归分析。

    The investigation in an endemic arsenic disease area and logistic analysis were made to explore the dangerous factors to subjective symptoms , abnormal skin pigmentation and keratosis .

  2. 山阴话中的正反问句主要是VP-(PRT)-NEG格式,另外还有少量V-neg-V式。

    The main sentence pattern of the positive and negative question sentence in Shanyin local dialect is " VP - ( PRT ) - NEG ", there are also some " V-neg-V " pattern .

  3. 宋元明时期白话词汇在山阴方言中的保留

    Reservations of Vocabulary Words in Yuan Ming Period in Shanyin Dialect

  4. 山阴地名的文化语言学分析

    The Culture Linguistics Analysis on The Place Name of Shanyin

  5. 广武长城山西山阴县段全长超过了6公里。

    The Guangwu section of the Great Wall in Shanyin County , Shanxi stretches more than 6 km .

  6. 在公元4世纪的陈代,山阴县有个名叫孔玉的中年人。

    During the Chin dynasty of the fourth century , there was a middle aged man in Shanyin called K'ung Yu .

  7. 文章通过山阴县的具体实例,总结了依靠科技进步推进农业产业化发展的成功经验。

    Through the concrete example of Shanyin County , this paper sums up successful experiences of promoting the development of agricultural industrialization depending on sci-tech progress .

  8. 东邻繁峙,西接原平,南界五台,北毗山阴,东北与应县相接,西北与朔州毗邻。

    Fanshi east west Yuanping , five south , adjoin Shanyin North , Northeast and phase should be the county , adjacent to the northwest and Shuozhou .

  9. 但考虑到山阴县在上周末成功地吸引了人们对其牛奶产业的关注,这可能不会是中国最后一批奶牛美女。

    But given the success Shanyin had in drawing attention to its dairy industry over the weekend , China likely hasn 't seen the last of the cow belles .

  10. 山阴县位于山西省北部,当地人习惯把县境分为山区和川区,川区又以桑干河为界,分河北片和河南片。

    Shanyin count is situated in north of Shanxi province that is divided into mountain area and river area that is divided into north area and south area of Sanggan river .

  11. 第三部分对陆游在山阴时的闲适诗歌内容进行了分类,大致归类为:一,山水风景诗;二,田园风光诗;三,民俗风情诗;四,日常生活诗。

    The poetry in this part is classified broadly as : 1 , landscape poetry ; 2 , pastoral poetry ; 3 , folk customs poetry ; 4 , daily life poetry .

  12. 本文,每个主要部分都贯以一些实际的案例为依托,特别是上海市山阴路历史风貌保护区相关交通规划的实践。

    In this paper , each of the main parts of penetration in some cases based on the actual , especially the traffic planning practice related Shanghai , Shanyin Road Historical protected areas .

  13. 选取山西省山阴县为实验现场,验证分散式饮水除砷方案。

    Shanyin county , an area prevalent of endemic arsenic poisoning in Shanxi Province , was selected as the experimental field to verify the methods studied for removal arsenic from dispersed drinking water .

  14. 为了推广山西省山阴县的牛奶产业,上周末举行的这场活动推出200多头奶牛,根据它们的外貌、产奶情况和家族血统来选美。

    Designed to promote the dairy industry of Shanyin County in the central Chinese province of Shanxi , the weekend contest pitted more than 200 cows against each other based on looks , milk and pedigree .

  15. 大同盆地是典型的饮水型地方性砷中毒病区,论文以盆地内严重砷中毒病区山阴县为研究区,首先分析了盆地地下水环境中的细菌群落组成,讨论了地下水生态系统功能。

    Datong Basin is a typical drinking-water type endemic arsenic poisoning area , and we used Shanyin County which is serious endemic arseniasis as study area . The thesis first studied bacterial community composition and discussed ecosystem functions in the basin groundwater .

  16. 运用山西山阴的原材料,提出以高岭土为矿物掺合料配置胶凝性材料的配合比方案,研究高岭土掺量、不同粒度与水灰比及高岭土掺量大于15%对普通硅酸盐水泥抗压强度的影响。

    The thesis puts forward cementitious material proportioning formula by using kaolin . The effection on the compressive strength are deeply analyzed by the mixed amount of kaolin , different particle size and the water-cement ratio , and the kaolin dosage with more than 15 % .