
  1. 小工业社区职业卫生服务模式效果评估

    The Effect Assessment of Community Occupational Health Service Model for the Small-Scale Industry

  2. 老工业社区的人口年龄特征及其可持续发展

    Industry the characteristics of population age in old industrial community and its sustainable development

  3. 汕头市小工业社区职业卫生服务现况分析

    An Analysis of Community Occupational Health Service Status of the Small-scale Industries in Shantou City

  4. 1941年,弗格森出生在格拉斯哥一个人际关系紧密的工业社区,这类社区如今在英国已不复存在。

    Sir Alex was born in Glasgow in 1941 into the sort of close-knit industrial community that no longer exists in Britain .

  5. [结论]通过分析与评估表明,小工业社区职业卫生服务近期效果显著。

    [ Conclusion ] The analysis and assessment suggested that the recent effect of community occupational health service to the small scale industry was prominent .

  6. “乡村工业社区”是机器大工业在英国乡村地区发展的载体,也是乡村工业化发展和农村城市化的初级形态。

    As the cartier of development of machine industry in rural areas UK ," Rural Industrial Community " is primary form of rural industrialization and urbanization .

  7. 对工业社区进行改革、改造,是关乎提高企业核心竞争力及其生存与发展的迫切需要解决的问题。

    Carry on the reform , transformation to the industrial community , concern and improve enterprise 's key competitiveness and problem needing solving urgently of survival and development .

  8. 工业社区的先进开发理念是未来工业园区开发的不可替代的发展趋势。

    It is an irreplaceable trend in the future developing of " IP " to adhere advanced developing idea of " Industrial Community "( Abbr. as " IC ") .

  9. 为了验证工业社区理念的工业园区的竞争优势,构建了优势评估指标体系,从竞争能力和园区环境两个方面去评估工业社区理念的工业园区的竞争力。

    In order to verify the competition advantage of the industrial community concept of industrial park , it establishes the advantages of the evaluation index system , Which to evaluate the competitiveness of industrial community concept of the Industrial Park from the competitive ability and the park environment .

  10. 关于我国生态工业园社区协调机制建设的思考

    Thinking on the Construction of the Community Harmonization System for Eco-Industrial Parks in China

  11. 提高现阶段沈阳老工业基地社区卫生服务能力的探索

    Exploration of Improvement Community Health Services Ability of Shenyang Old Industrial Base in Present Period

  12. 工业遗产社区转型建设发展之路&以南京江南水泥厂为例

    The Transformation Development Way of Industrial Heritage Community : The Case of Jiangnan Cement Factory , Nanjing

  13. 典型单位制对东北老工业基地社区发展的制约

    Restriction of " Work Unit System " to the Development of Communities in the Old Industrial Base of Northeast

  14. 潜在运用金钢经原则,在更大的范围,涵盖我们的工业,社区,国家,全球。

    Potential applications of Diamond Cutter Principles on a larger scale within our industry , our community , our country , and globally .

  15. 本文的分析认为在社区开发中,开发者必须跳出由工业生产社区文化的模式,鼓励居民直接参与才能促进城市社会进一步发展。该优化工艺可为工业生产提供参考。

    The paper argues that in the process of a new community , developers should change from the resident-oriented mode with the direct participation of the residents to industrial production mode so as to promote further development of the society .

  16. 在老工业基地社区培育非营利组织十分必要,社区非赢利组织的介入对于解决老工业基地社区发生的矛盾和冲突具有重要作用。

    This article thinks that it is necessary to cultivate the non-profitable organization in the old industrial base and the intervention of non-profitable organization , which has the important effects for solving the contradiction and the conflict occurring in the community of the ole industrial base .

  17. 对照组为该市非工业污染文化社区。

    Community not polluted by industry was chosen to serve as control .

  18. 老工业基地的社区冲突与非营利组织介入

    The Conflicts of Community in the Old Industrial Base and the Intervention of Non-profitable Organization

  19. 枣庄市文明生态村可以分为农业型、工业型和社区型。

    The Civilized eco-village in Zaozhuang City can be divided into agricultural type , industry type and community type .

  20. 通过定点观测的方法对商业区、工业区、社区和森林公园的热岛发生频率及其强度进行了研究。

    The frequency and intensity of urban heat island in commercial landscape , industrial landscape , residential landscape and forest landscape were studied through fixed point measurements .

  21. 在将硬件设计从工业领域带入社区所出现的问题之一就是产品化,即将一个项目转变成一个产品,并进而成为商机。

    One issue that appears when taking hardware design from industry to community is the issue of productization , turning a project into a product and , subsequently , into a business .

  22. 乡镇工业产权的社区性导致乡镇工业向城镇的集聚面临高昂的交易成本,使乡镇工业的集聚行为扭曲;

    On one hand , the property of china 's rural industries is community , which results in high transaction cost for the rural industries to congregate in the city and towns ;

  23. 后工业时代武夷山社区文化的整合,由于有了当地党政部门的积极引导与参与,不仅少走了很多弯路,而且成效也更加显著。

    In the Late Industry Age , the unity of community cultures in the area of Wuyi Mountain , not only avoids many detours but also achieves remarkable success owing to the correct guidance and participation of local leading departments .

  24. 本文结合制度经济学的理论,阐述了制度对城镇化机制的作用机理,分析了导致中国城镇化实现机制缺陷的关键性制度因素:乡镇工业产权的社区性和城镇社会保障制度的封闭型。

    In this thesis , we use the institutional economics theory explaining the function mechanism of the institution to the urbanization mechanism , and then we analyze the two key institutional factors that cause the defect of realization mechanism in China ′ s urbanization .

  25. AI人工智能工业调节器在社区恒压供水系统的应用

    Application of Al-Process Controller Application in Constant Pressure Water Supply System of Community

  26. 课题研究可用于工业园区、居民社区等无线传感器网络节点部署指导,具有重要的现实意义和商业价值。

    It can be used as the wireless sensor network deployment guidance of industrial parks and residential communities , and has the practical significance and business value .

  27. 我国生态产业发展的重点是生态农业、绿化产业、生态观光休闲业、生态工业园、生态社区与人居环境,以及生态产业产品的营销与贸易。

    The focal points of developing ecological industry are ecological agricultural , afforest industry , ecological industrial park , ecological community , residential environment and ecological trade & marketing .

  28. 经营范围覆盖种植业、代耕、代运、田间及非田间工程作业,规划建设农业经济区、畜牧经济区、工业经济区和社区经济区四区。

    Business scope covers farming , farming , and transport , field and non field engineering work , planning and construction of economic zones four areas , namely agriculture , animal husbandry and economic zones , economic zones and industrial community economic zone .

  29. 通过分析产业集聚带来的地理空间的经济属性而引发产业元素的集群化,是工业园区形成的基础,探讨了工业社区的理论基础和理论渊源。

    Firstly , we structure the conceptual theory via have a discussion on the theory basis and source of " IC " by means of make an analysis on the clustering of industrial element which leading by the economic nature as geographic space , originating from the concentration of industrial .

  30. 为了解决工业园区存在的诸多问题及适应未来发展趋势,本文提出工业社区理念,并对它的概念、构成要素及主要功能进行了分析,提出了现代工业社区的开发战略。

    In order to adapt to the future development trend of industrial parks , this article puts forward the concept of community and analyzes its concept , elements , main functions and its development strategy .