
  • 网络Working platform;work platform;Workbench;environment;Workspace
  1. 您可能已经注意到Eclipse工作平台扩展的方式都是通过使用插件。

    You may already be aware that the way the Eclipse workbench is extended is through the use of plugins .

  2. 应用虚拟电子工作平台(EWB)软件设计出电子表电路。

    The circuit of electronic watch is designed with the software of Electronics Workbench ( EWB ) .

  3. 基于WEB的术语工作平台的实现

    Terminology Working platform Based on WEB

  4. 现在您的工作平台中有了一个可以用于测试的工作的Web服务。

    Now you have a working Web service in your workbench that you can use for your testing .

  5. 文中重点讨论了基于Web技术的教师工作平台的功能模块设计,最后结合关键技术讨论了主要模块功能的实现。

    In the paper we discuss the modular design of Web-based Teachers Working Platform as an important aspect .

  6. 基于GIS工作平台的农用土地定级方法研究

    The Method of Farmland 's Grading Based on the Working Platform of GIS

  7. 基于Java语言建立的工作流管理系统很容易地部署到不同的工作平台。

    Workflow management system based on Java can easily run in many platforms .

  8. 供电工程CAD工作平台的研制

    The Development of the Working Billiard for the CAD of Electrical Power Distribution Engineering

  9. WINDOWSnt仍将是工业PC理想的工作平台

    Windows NT Remains to be the Ideal Platform for Industrial PC

  10. 构建基于Google服务的教师工作平台

    Building of Teachers ' Working Platform Based on Google Service

  11. 该评标软件以Windows2000为工作平台,采用VISUALBASIC6.0为软件开发工具,Access为数据库工具。

    This bid evaluation software is developed on the platform of Windows 2000 , Visual Basic 6.0 and Access 2002 .

  12. 基于GoogleApps构建网络协同工作平台的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Network Supported Cooperative Work Platform Based on Google Apps

  13. 因此,野外工作平台要求能够装载GIS和数据库系统软件,实现对野外地质信息进行现场的完整记录。

    So fieldwork platform have to load GIS and database system to come true integrity geologic information in spot .

  14. 基于AUTOCAD工作平台,以箱体类塑件为对象开发了一种注射模CAD系统。

    Based on Auto CAD software , a CAD system of plastic injection mould for box type parts is developed .

  15. 这个标识符通常与为选项卡式属性视图提供属性的惟一工作平台部件id相一致。

    This identifier usually matches the unique workbench part ID that contributes to the tabbed properties view .

  16. 最后,以MATLAB为工作平台设计了遗传算法,寻找油耗和排放的优化。

    At the end , design the Generation Algorithm by MATLAB , look for optimization of fuel consumption and emission .

  17. 远端客户软件是远端PC用户进行实时监控、对服务器进行远程控制的工作平台。

    The ending client software is the platform of PC users who perform remote monitoring and long distance control on server .

  18. 以GIS为工作平台利用地统计学等先进方法分析区城土壤养分的空间分异特征时精准施肥、保护生态环境和优化农业生产管理有着重要的意义。图3,表1,参9。

    GIS will be a very useful working platform for spatial variability analysis of soil nutrients and precision agriculture and sustainability agricultural ecology .

  19. 您的工作平台项目,选择ImportWSDLdocument复选框,输入WSDL文件名,并选择Go。

    Your workbench project , check the Import WSDL document check box , ender a WSDL file name , and select Go .

  20. 通过Portal技术,构建统一的企业门户,定制自己的工作平台。

    At last according to Portal technology , a unified enterprise portal is built and the work platform can be customized .

  21. Properties视图是Eclipse工作平台提供的诸多视图中的一个(关于EclipseProperties视图的更多信息,请参阅参考资料)。

    The Properties view is one of the many views that Eclipse workbench provides ( see Resources for more information about the Eclipse Properties view ) .

  22. 在您记录您的第一个测试之前,您的工作平台中将需要一个WSDL文件。

    Before you can record your first test , you will need a WSDL file in your workbench .

  23. 您将看到的对话框非常像在Eclipse工作平台中运行或调试代码时使用的对话框。

    You will see a dialog very much like the one used to run or debug code from the Eclipse workbench .

  24. 最后以VC为工作平台,对LCD的程序进行了编写和仿真。

    Finally , taking VC as the working platform , it has carried the compilation and the simulation of LCD procedure .

  25. 50m预应力槽型梁预制工作平台的施工工艺

    Construction Techniques on Precast Working Platform for 50m Prestressed Channel Beam

  26. 电子工作平台EWB及其在电子技术实验课程中的应用

    Electronics Workbench and its Application to Experiments of Electronic Technology

  27. 在Modeler工作平台上,将此系统作为网络模型对改进的路由选择策略进行仿真,说明改进算法可以有效地均衡链路中的业务流量。

    Then this node system is simulated in improved routing strategy on Modeler platform .

  28. CatiaV5以数字人体模型为基础,为设计师直接提供了一个进行人机产品设计的工作平台。

    CATIA V5 provides designers of workspaces based on the digital manikin for ergonomics design .

  29. NET为工作平台,利用当前主流分布式计算技术,重点研究C/S与B/S计算模式相结合的方式实现数据交换和指令传递;

    NET structure , using advanced distributed computing technology , especially studies how to utilize the data exchange and command passing by both using C / S and B / S computing mode .

  30. 高效地设计IIR数字滤波器提供了一个可靠而有效的工作平台。

    A reliable and efficient work station is provided in order to design filter quickly and efficiently .