
ɡōnɡ zuò tài dù
  • working attitude;attitude toward work
  1. 话得说清楚啊,我工作态度有什么问题吗?

    I cannot put up with your attitude toward work anymore .

  2. 参加勤务中心实习护生工作态度及技能明显优于未参加勤务中心实习护生。

    Attitude toward work and working skills of nurse students in service office practice group were better than those in control group significantly .

  3. 他工作态度相当马虎。

    His attitude to work is rather casual .

  4. 信托自由儿是那种来自富裕家庭的年轻人。他拥有的信托基金让他可以不用遵循世俗的工作态度和衣着方式。

    Trustafarian is a young person from a wealthy background whose trust fund enables him or her to eschew1 conventional attitudes to work , dress , etc.

  5. 结果两组实习护生工作态度及技能测评经秩和检验,有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    Results There were significant differences in their attitudes toward work and their working skills between two groups ( P < 0.05 ) .

  6. 健康状况、家庭支持、工作态度与情绪枯竭(EE)和去人格化倾向(DP)呈负相关;

    The health condition , family support and work attitude were negatively related to Emotional Exhaustion ( EE ) and Depersonalization ( DP ) .

  7. “他们这种懈怠的工作态度会毁掉日本,”劳资关系顾问YukikoTakita说。

    ' They 'll ruin Japan with their lax work ethic , 'says labor consultant Yukiko Takita .

  8. 积极主动,正面的工作态度,自信心强。

    Self-motivated , and positive attitude and high degree of self-confidence .

  9. 飞行人员在长途机上怎样激发自己的工作态度?

    How do you get yourself motivated during long haul flt ?

  10. 就像我之前说的,他的工作态度难以置信。

    Like I said before , his work ethic is incredible .

  11. 工作态度的改变不是一朝一夕的事情。

    Changing your attitude about work won 't necessarily happen overnight .

  12. 这种任劳任怨的工作态度是值得我们学习和提倡的。

    Such work attitude is worthy of study and advocation .

  13. 他的工作态度很消极。

    He has a very negative attitude to his work .

  14. 它的真正良好的工作态度。

    It 's really good work . It 's professional .

  15. 但不知疲倦的工作态度才是他真正与众不同的地方。

    But what really set him apart was his sheer work ethic .

  16. 积极的工作态度、高度的责任心、团队合作精神和沟通能力。

    Positive attitudes , good commitment , team-work spirit and communication skills .

  17. 运用孔子模式改善馆员工作态度

    Ameliorating Work Attitude of Librarians with " Confucius Mode "

  18. 心理契约违背导致员工消极的工作态度和行为。

    Psychological contract breaches resulted in employees ' negative attitude and behavior .

  19. 强调了文秘工作者应有的思想素质与工作态度。

    The ideological quality and working attitudes of secretarial staff are stressed .

  20. 浅谈高校青年干部应具备的工作态度

    The Attitude which the Young Cadres in College Should Possess

  21. 掌握一定渲染技术,认真细心的工作态度。

    With solid rendering skill and earnest working attitude .

  22. 答:你思考过你自己的工作态度吗?

    A : Have you ever thought about your own attitude at work ?

  23. 积极的工作态度,具有市场开拓能力。

    Positive attitude and can carve out the market .

  24. 良好的雇佣关系对形成积极的总体工作态度有很大作用。

    A flourishing employee-employer relation greatly contributes to an coverall assured workplace attitude .

  25. 在任何情况下,都能保持积极的工作态度。

    Must maintain a positive attitude , even in the face of adversity .

  26. 良好的工作态度,愿意接受挑战,有责任心。

    Good working attitudes , willing to face challenges and take up responsibilities .

  27. 你在心里暗想,他们的工作态度不好。

    You think to yourself , they have a bad attitude at work .

  28. 如何拓展员工知识,做好安全培训并改进员工安全工作态度?

    How to improve employees'knowledge , safety training and their attitude towards it ?

  29. 但是在招聘的时候最主要的还是积极的工作态度。

    But most of all we look for staff with a positive attitude .

  30. 他的工作态度不太认真。

    His attitude to his job is rather casual .