
  1. 经济适用房工程建设阶段的成本控制

    The cost control of economic housing during the construction stage

  2. 巴东县退耕还林工程建设阶段效益评价

    Evaluation on Effect for Land Conversion Program in Construction Stage in Badong

  3. 核电站工程建设阶段管理者的自我评估

    Management Self-assessment in Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Station

  4. 水电工程建设阶段的工期控制效益分析

    The Analysis of the Effect of Time Control in the Construction Stages of Hydroelectricity

  5. 工程建设阶段房地产开发企业公关策略

    Real Estate Corporate Public Relations in Construction Phase

  6. 项目的工程建设阶段是房地产开发中的一个重要的管理阶段。

    Construction phase of engineering project is an important management stage in the real estate development .

  7. 该建设项目水保方案应与工程建设阶段相吻合,在工程实施、验收、运行等阶段均应开展相应的水保工作。

    Soil conservation scheme should coincide with different period of project construction , and must be implemented separately in project construction , project check and acceptance , project operation .

  8. 我国大型购物中心发展模式按照开发顺序主要分为策划可研阶段、设计阶段、工程建设阶段、开业和营运管理阶段,这些阶段又对应相应的模式。

    Our country large-scale shopping mall development pattern mainly divides into plan and research stage , design and report stage , construction stage , open and business management stage according to the development order .

  9. 滩海油田开发是一个动态调整的过程,涉及到海工及配套工程建设阶段、钻井阶段、原油开采阶段、经济界限的确定等等。

    Beach oilfield development is a dynamic process of adjustment , involving oceanic engineering and its supporting project construction stage , well-drilling stage , crude oil exploitation stage and the definition of economic boundaries and so on .

  10. 概算管理、投资管理与合同管理将联合建立投资管控信息平台,对工程建设阶段的投资额和投资进度进行分解和追踪,及时汇总投资完成情况,并进行实时分析。

    Budgetary estimate , investment and contract management together will establish the investment management platform , analyze and track the investment cost , schedule during the construction stage and report the completion status of the overall investment with actual analysis .

  11. 研究表明,中国退耕还林进程可划分为4个阶段:号召动员阶段、试点示范阶段、工程建设阶段、后期巩固阶段。

    In this paper , the historical course of the Cropland Conversion to Forest and Grassland ( CCFG ) is divided into four development stages : call and mobilization stage , experiment and demonstration stage , project construction stage and later consolidation stage .

  12. EVM在工程建设实施阶段的应用研究

    The Applied Research of EVM during the Construction Stage

  13. 工程建设施工阶段的投资控制

    Invest control at stage of engineering construction

  14. 三峡工程建设第一阶段施工环境控制与管理

    Environmental Control and Management during First-Phase Construction

  15. 公路工程建设施工阶段的工程分包管理是施工合同管理的重要组成部分。

    The project subletting management of the highway engineering construction plays an important role in the contract management .

  16. 本文将对道路工程施工建设阶段的监理工作进行分析论述。

    Management of the construction construction phase of the road of this text The work is analysed and described .

  17. 建筑施工是指工程建设实施阶段的生产活动,是各类建筑物的建造过程。

    Construction is the production activity in the construction of the implementation stage and the construction process of various buildings .

  18. 电力工程项目建设阶段投资控制目标是相互关联的一个目标系统。

    The object of investment controlling in the stage of Electric PowerProject Construction ( EPPC ) is an interrelated objective system .

  19. 此文针对铁路工程建设施工阶段安全投资问题进行探讨,以期为铁路工程造价改革提供参考。

    This article makes an exploration of the problem of investment in safety of railway construction projects to provide reference to the railway engineering cost reform .

  20. 建筑业作为国民经济的支柱产业,气候变化对工程建设各个阶段的工程建设活动均产生了不同程度的影响。

    Building industry as a pillar industry of the national economy , Climate change has produced the different influence on each phase of the project construction activities .

  21. 但是,该环境治理工程在建设阶段会产生大大量的不利于环境的影响因子,对环境影响很大。

    However , the environmental improvement works in the construction phase will generate a large number of detrimental environmental impact factors , a great impact on the environment .

  22. 本文主要介绍大亚湾核电站工程建设不同阶段测量控制网布设形式,建网特征以及精度要求

    This paper introduces the layout , the features and the accuracy requirements of the survey control network in different engineering construction period in Daya Bay nuclear power station

  23. 本文以项目监理机构在地铁工程建设施工阶段的监理管理为例挖掘其在工程施工阶段监理过程中存在的问题。

    In this paper , the project supervision organization supervision and management in the construction stage of subway engineering for example mining its presence in the engineering supervision during construction problems .

  24. 本文分析了工程建设各阶段对投资控制的影响,提出了加强管理相关阶段投资控制的一些建议。以供参考。

    This essay analyses the influence from the processes of project construction and the control of investment , and show some advices of strengthening management and reinforcing control of investment in related stages .

  25. 提出了工程建设设计阶段对造价的影响和重要性,阐明了设计阶段控制造价的几个要点和建议。

    The importance of engineering construction design and its influence on the cost of construction are presented . Several essentials and suggestions on the control of cost in the phase of design are also clarified .

  26. 阐述了工程建设设计阶段投资控制的重要性,分析了投资控制的影响因素,提出了设计阶段投资控制的具体措施。

    The importance of investment control in design stage of engineering construction was described , the influencing factors of investment control were analyzed and the specific measures for investment control in design stage were put forward .

  27. 传统的工程项目建设阶段分离,信息流通不畅的管理模式已经越来越不能适应现代化建设的要求,建设项目管理模式的改革已势在必行。

    Traditional project construction phase separated , that the management model of flow of information are sluggish has become increasingly unable to meet the demands of modernization , and construction project management reform has become imperative .

  28. 文章在分析工程建设各个阶段计价过程以及各个阶段造价确定依据、定价方法的基础上,从3个方面总结了工程造价控制的经验:(1)设计阶段是工程造价控制的关键阶段;

    Based on the analyses of pricing process , cost determination philosophy and pricing method at each phase of engineering construction , this paper summarizes the experience of engineering cost control in three aspects : ( 1 ) design phase is a key phase of engineering cost control ;

  29. 分析了设计阶段的特点及设计阶段对质量、进度、投资的协调关系,结合实际监理体会,得出了工程建设设计阶段监理对保证工程质量、施工进度、投资是非常重要的结论。

    The paper analyzes the characteristics of design stage and the coordinate relation of quality , progress and invest in design stage . Based on practice management , the conclusion obtained is that management in construction design stage is very important for guarantee quality , progress and invest .

  30. 铁路工程建设项目实施阶段风险管理分析

    Crisis management analysis on the implement stage of railway construction project