
ɡōnɡ chénɡ shī ɡōnɡ
  • engineering construction
  1. 基于GIS的工程施工动态可视化仿真

    Dynamic visualized emulation of engineering construction based on GIS

  2. 浅谈公路工程施工阶段的文档管理工作

    Simple Talking about Administration of File at Stage of Highway Engineering Construction

  3. 他们扩建造船厂,开始了工程施工。

    They expanded the shipyards and started engineering works .

  4. 宁夏银川灌区引进机械施工的暗管排水工程施工技术,开展了大面积的暗管排水工程建设。

    The closed drainage technique of mechanical construction was introduced in North Ningxia Yinchuan Irrigation district .

  5. GIS技术在工程施工仿真系统中的应用研究

    Research on Applying GIS Technology in Simulation System of Engineering Construction

  6. 隧道掘进机(TBM)在工程施工中的应用

    Application of TBM ( Tunnel Boring Machine ) in Engineering Construction

  7. 建筑工程施工阶段的造价动态控制方法&赢得值原理和MATLAB软件的应用

    The dynamic state control method of the price on the construction engineering construction stage & The application of the win-value principle and the MATLAB software

  8. 面对我国加入WTO后来自国外检测行业的冲击和挑战,分析了当前我国建设工程施工质量检测行业存在的主要问题,探讨了该行业的发展对策。

    Facing the impact and challenges coming from foreign detection industry after the WTO entry of China , this paper analyzes on the main problems existing in the current Chinese construction engineering quality detection industry , and probes into the developing measures of this industry .

  9. PBA法在当前地铁施工中有一定的应用前景,可为今后类似工程施工提供借鉴和参考。

    PBA method , which has a good application prospect in the current construction of the Metro works , can be referred to for other similar works in the future .

  10. 首先,在系统分析的基础上,重点阐述了施工阶段质量控制的几个主要方面以及统计分析方法和SPSS软件在工程施工质量控制过程中的应用。

    First , in the system analysis foundation , the paper emphasizes several principal aspects of quality control in construction stage as well as the application of the statistical analysis methods and the SPSS software in project construction quality control process .

  11. 以某市地下管网基础设施改造项目为例,运用全程风险管理LRM(LifecycleRiskManagement)理论对项目投标、合同谈判、工程施工、竣工验收结算所构成的承包全过程进行风险分析。

    Taking improvement project for underground pipeline net construction in a city as example , the risk analysis is made for the integer process of the project contracting including the project biding , contract negotiation , project construction and project acceptance based on the Lifecycle Risk Management Theory .

  12. 并对具有土质、浅埋、双线大跨度以及既有线运营动荷载条件下,依靠监控量测数据分析,论证CRD工法原理、工艺应用于西北类似条件的地下工程施工安全性和可靠性。

    By means of the numerical simulation and spot measure , the safety and reliability to use CRD excavation method to building shallow big-span double-line tunnel under existing vibrant train load are tested .

  13. 公路工程施工监理工作重点和方法

    Key Point and Method of Construction Supervision Work in Highway Engineering

  14. 建筑工程施工噪声污染防治对策研究

    Study on Measures for Prevention of Noise Pollution in Construction Site

  15. 工程施工电子地图的便捷实现方法

    Convenient and Quick Realization Method for Electronic Map of Project Construction

  16. 工程施工机械设备租买决策模型与准则

    The Lease-buy Model for Construction Machinery and The Corresponding Decision-making Criteria

  17. 建筑工程施工质量控制及评价方法应用研究

    Applied Studies on Architectural Engineering Construction Quality Control and Evaluate Method

  18. 试论高层建筑室内装饰工程施工监理的重要性

    The Importance of Construction Supervise of High-rise Building 's Interior Decoration

  19. 水利水电工程施工成本控制的探讨

    Discussion on Construction Cost Control in Water Conservancy and Hydropower Projects

  20. 水利工程施工方案优选方法研究

    Method of Optimal Selection for the Construction Scheme of Hydro Projects

  21. 谈建筑工程施工合同及其备案管理制度

    On building project construction contract and its records management system

  22. 公路工程施工现场管理应注意的问题

    Attention a Few Problems in Scene of Administration in Road Engineering Construction

  23. 建筑工程施工中几个问题的探讨

    Discussion on some Problems in the Construction of Architectural Engineering

  24. 关于建筑工程施工招标的某些探讨

    Some discussions about the management of inviting tenders of Architecture Engineering constrction

  25. 石化工程施工技术现状与展望

    The Current Technical Situation and Prospects of Petrochemical Project Construction

  26. 北京新世纪饭店工程施工与新工艺应用

    New Construction Technologies Adopted in the Building of Beijing New Epoch Hotel

  27. 隧道工程施工关键工序管理的初步分析

    Analysis of the Key Construction Management Procedure in Tunnel Engineering

  28. 建设单位在建筑工程施工过程中的资料管理

    The construction company 's administration of data during the course of construction

  29. 北京东方广场屋面防水工程施工技术

    The Construction Technology of Roofing Waterproofing Project in the Beijing Orient Square

  30. 建筑工程施工的多目标多层次模糊评价模型

    A model of multi-object and multi-attribute fuzzy evaluation on civil engineering construction