- Engineering subcontracting;【法】transfer contract of project

Determination of Project Price after Engineering Subcontract is Confirmed Invalid
Taxpayer : In fact , my company transfer the project to some subcontractors .
The contractor for the new school building gave out subcontracts to a plumber , a steam fitter , etc.
In addition , the non-standard market competition , low-price bidding , project subcontracting , etc. are also influential factors of counterfeiting . Finally , the effective strategies and measures of anti-counterfeiting in current market environment are discussed .
The contractor may not assign in whole to any third person the contracted construction project , or divide the whole contracted construction project into several parts and separately assign each part to a third person under the guise of sub-contracting .
Under current regulations , the prohibition of family renovation contracts , but to entrust the construction labor is permitted .
For the main contractors in the construction business who sub-contract work to others , the turnover shall be the balance of the total contract sum less the payments made to the sub-contractors .
The Contractor shall guarantee that each Subcontractor will execute works subcontracted to him by itself and will have no right to transfer execution of such works to other third parties .
There is some close relation between subcontracting construction partly and general contracting , contract subcontracting , joint contract , but is different from subcontracting construction wholly in nature .