
  • 网络Wage Determinism
  1. 因为在新古典工资决定理论中,只强调了人力资本的作用力。

    Because the neo-classical wage determination theory only stresses on the force of human capital .

  2. 第2章对国外主要工资决定理论进行简要回顾,为本文所要研究的问题确立理论基础。

    Chapter two briefly recalls major overseas theories of wage decision mechanism , to establish the theoretical foundation .

  3. 对劳动市场工资决定的理论分析表明,行业间工资差异主要源于各行业就业人员的人力资本差异和可能的垄断租金分享。

    Inter-industry wage differentials is attributed to human capital variation and monopoly rent sharing based on wage determination of labor market theory .

  4. 第4章对社会资本进行了概念界定,交代了研究的理论基础,随后分别构建了社会资本影响农村劳动力非农就业和工资决定的理论模型。

    In Chapter Four , the concept of social capital was defined , the basal theories for this research was explained , then two theoretical models to analyze the impact of social capital , the non-farm employment participation model and the non-farm wage model , were founded .