
gōng zī wài shōu rù
  • extra-wage income
工资外收入[gōng zī wài shōu rù]
  1. 相对货币收入即高管人员的工资外收入,也可以称之为职务消费。

    The relative monetary income , i.e. the extra income out of salaries is also called vocational consumption .

  2. 由于工资外收入不记入平均工资总额,以及养老金调整的混乱,降低养老金替代率不能成为补偿的方法;

    Because average pay amount don 't include added pay , and the annuities substitute-rates adjustment confuses . Reducing the substituting rate of the pension can 't become the method to compensate the implicit pension debt .

  3. 相对货币收入即干部的工资外待遇收入。

    Relative monetary income refers to the extra income out of the officials ' salaries - position - related consumption .

  4. 工资应与工作相称才是。相对货币收入即干部的工资外待遇收入。

    The pay should be commensurate with the work . Relative monetary income refers to the extra income out of the officials ' salaries - position - related consumption .