
  • 网络wage discrimination
  1. 它们主要表现在三个方面:就业机会不平等,工资歧视和职业安全没有保障。

    It is : unequal employment , wage discrimination , and incomplete occupational Security system .

  2. 奥巴马也急切地指出他签署成法律的第一项议案使妇女可以更容易地对工资歧视进行起诉。

    Mr Obama , too , eagerly pointed out that the first bill he had signed into law was one making it easier for women to sue for wage discrimination .

  3. 广州IT业中性别工资歧视的微观计量分析

    A Micrometric Research of Gender Income Discrimination in Guangzhou 's Information Technology Industry

  4. 我国城市就业人员性别工资歧视的估计

    Appraisal of the Sexual Discrimination in Wage Earnings of Urban Workers in China

  5. 民工就业歧视的深层原因主要表现为长期形成的制度性歧视和市场失灵而导致的工资歧视。

    The causes of employment discrimination against civilian workers are system discrimination and payment discrimination that result from ineffective market .

  6. 服务行业中女性的工资歧视研究&对某高校后勤集团的调查

    A Study of Wage Discrimination against Woman in the Service Industry & An Investigation on a Logistics Group of an University

  7. 发现一些既同以往文献相类似,又有重要区别的实证结果,尤其发现,大学毕业生劳动市场性别工资歧视的比重有扩大趋势。

    Find several similar but also some different empirical facts compared with the former literatures . Especially , the gender wage gaps in college graduates show an increasing trend . 3 .

  8. 妇女们抱怨说雇主在定级和定工资时歧视女工。

    Women complain that employers discriminate against female workers when calculating their rank and pay .

  9. 就业领域内的性别歧视主要表现为工资收入歧视、就业机会歧视和职业歧视。

    The gender discrimination in employment area is shown in the inequality in reward , chances for job and occupation bias .

  10. 职业隔离与城镇男女工资性别歧视的实证分析这里没有性别歧视,同工同酬。

    Empirical Study on Gender Wage Gap and Occupational Segregation for Urban Workers There is no sex discrimination here and people get equal pay for equal work .

  11. 对多种方法测定的女大学毕业生工资受歧视程度进行比较分析,并进一步做国际对照。

    Then , comparatively analyze the various methods to determine the degree of discrimination for female college graduates , and to further make an international comparison . 5 .

  12. 研究发现:酒店员工社会责任对员工满意度有显著正向影响,且发现健康与安全、结社与谈判、强迫性劳动、工资和歧视与惩戒是影响员工满意度的重要责任层面。

    Firstly , hotel employee social responsibility has a significant positive effect on employee satisfaction ; moreover , health and safety , freedom of association and negotiation , forced labor , wage system , discrimination and punishment five aspects impact employee satisfaction significantly .

  13. 农民工流入地劳动市场均衡工资与价格歧视实证研究&基于贵州农民工调查数据

    An Empirical Study of Labor Market Equilibrium Wages and Price Discrimination in Labor Inflow Areas & Based on Survey Data among Rural Migrant Workers in Guizhou

  14. 女性就业的行业&工资倾向与性别歧视

    The Trade - Wage Preference in Women 's Employment and Sexual Discrimination

  15. 因为增加工资透明度才能更好的辨别是否存在工资歧视问题。

    Because more pay transparency makes it easier to spot pay discrimination .

  16. 通过无歧视状态下性别工资差异分解模型,、仍选取以上变量,测定劳动力市场是否同时存在对男大学毕业生工资的偏袒和对女大学毕业生工资歧视,若都存在,分别为多少。

    Through non-discriminatory state gender wage gap decomposition model , the dissertation still selects above variable to measure whether the labor market exist wage premium for men and wage discrimination for women .