
  • 网络wage rigidity;wage rigidness
  1. 在位者设定的跳槽壁垒所导致的高工资刚性降低了高技术产业就业需求。

    ( b ) the wage rigidity resulting from the barriers to job-hopping decreases the labor demand in hi-tech industry .

  2. 而通胀预期和产出波动又直接受到价格、工资刚性、预期、劳动生产率、外贸冲击、技术差异、资源禀赋、体制特征等差异的制约。

    Inflation expectations and output volatility are directly subject to the constraints of price , wage rigidity , the difference of the expectation , labor productivity , foreign trade shocks , technical differences in resource endowments , institutional characteristics and so on .

  3. 垄断政府人员臃肿与工资刚性的经济学剖析

    Economics Explanation on Overstaffed & Rigid-wage Monopoly Government

  4. 企业的适应性优化行为和若干制度因素构成了工资刚性的基本要素,劳工市场的供求力量也是影响工资变动的重要因素。

    A firm 's adaptively optimal behavior , along with some institutional factors , accounts for sticky wages , modified by labor market demand and supply .

  5. 文章认为,凯恩斯在货币工资富有刚性的假设下,通过提高价格水平、降低实际工资,解决非自愿失业问题的理论,只能在短期有效。

    The Keynesian theory deals with the involuntary unemployment under the hypothesis of wages rigidity , suggesting that raising price and reducing the real wages can only be valid in a short-term .

  6. 他们认为,由于工资和价格刚性的存在,价格对总需求变动的调整是一个渐进的过程,名义冲击能够对经济产生持续的影响。

    They believe that due to the existence of nominal stickiness prices adjust gradually to the changes of aggregate demand , and nominal shocks have persistent effect on output .

  7. 石油和小麦的价格会随着供求关系的变化而变化,但是工资是“刚性的”:即使当经济形势不好的时候,想要让降薪也是很困难的。

    Oil and wheat prices may rise and fall instantaneously to reflect supply and demand , but wages are " sticky ": even when the economy goes bad , it takes a lot to make them fall .