
  • 网络salary range;pay range
  1. 你们也许心里有一个工资幅度,在我的思想上也没有一个定准。我愿意商谈。

    You may have a salary range in mind . I , too , have no fixed amount in mind . I am open to negotiation .

  2. 因为在各个不同的企业部门中工人的工资幅度和等级通常是平行的。

    For wage scales have a way of being paralleled by workers in different kinds of businesses .

  3. 全国的工资增添幅度还将与居民消费价钱指数(CPI)挂钩。

    The wage increase in the country will be pegged to the consumer price index ( CPI ) .

  4. 但即便是把加班费、奖金和其他薪酬项目包括在内,工资上涨幅度似乎仍不到3%,即预期中的日本消费者价格指数(CPI)升幅。

    But even with overtime , bonuses and other payments included , the salary rises still appear to fall short of a 3 % rise expected for the nation 's consumer price index .

  5. 过去10年德国工资增长幅度一直低于生产力提高水平。

    Over the past decade , German wages have lagged behind productivity .

  6. 工资上涨幅度几乎是整体通胀水平的两倍,年涨幅在28%左右。

    Wage inflation is nearly double overall inflation levels , running at about 28 per cent year on year .

  7. 工人们拒绝了3%的工资增长幅度,主张工资增长幅度为4%,同时每周工作日也要缩短。

    Workers have rejected a pay offer of3 % in favor of a4 % increase linked with a shorter working week .

  8. 资方和工会对今年可接受的工资提高幅度的看法仍截然不同。

    The management and the unions are still poles apart in what they regard as an acceptable pay rise for this year .

  9. 国家的社会保障部门将着手建立一个群体协商体系来监督未来五年里的工资增长幅度。

    The country 's social securities department will work to establish a group-consultative scheme to supervise salary growth over the next five years .

  10. 翰威特咨询公司的调查显示,今年工资上涨幅度预计为10.6%,而2009年工资上涨了6.6%。

    A survey by Hewitt Associates suggests that employers will raise salaries by10.6 % this year , compared with a6.6 % rise in2009 .

  11. 猎头公司和行业高管表示,由于需求旺盛,目前明星投行家每年的工资上涨幅度都在50%以上。

    Such is demand that wage inflation for the hotshots is running above 50 per cent a year , say headhunters and executives .

  12. 包括汽车制造商在内的日本金属行业工会引导着工资调整幅度,JEIU可能像其一样要求将工资上调2%。

    The union is likely to demand the same 2 % rise as Japan 's pace-setting metal workers " union , which includes carmakers .

  13. 如果工资上涨幅度过大,西方零售商可能会将订单从孟加拉国转往别的国家,不过孟加拉国工人的工资要涨上三倍才能超过中国工人的工资。

    Depending on the size of the wage increase , Western retailers might pull business away from Bangladesh , though wages there would have to quadruple to top those in China .

  14. 尽管工资上调幅度相对较小,但经济学家们对这些加薪消息持肯定态度,他们指出,基本工资上调还将进一步促进加班费和奖金上调,将产生更大的实际效果。

    Even though the figures are relatively small , economists took the news positively , noting that higher base pay will also further boost overtime rates and bonus payments and would have a larger net effect .

  15. 加州最低工资的上涨幅度为12.5%。

    The jumps at 12.5 percent increase in California 's minimum wage .

  16. 我们的工人工资削减的幅度相当大。

    Our workers made some pretty big concessions .

  17. 全社会工资增长的幅度

    Range of society-wide wage increases

  18. 因为它们可以通过使名义工资上调的幅度低于通胀率来达到降低实际工资的目的。

    As they can so that the nominal wage increases below the inflation rate to achieve lower real wages .

  19. 迄今为止,2012年最低工资标准上调幅度最大的是四川省。当地政府宣布,最低工资标准将平均上调23.4%。

    The biggest increase of 2012 so far has been in Sichuan province , where the government announced that minimum wages would be lifted by 23.4 per cent on average .

  20. 在这种经济条件下,企业工资总额增长幅度低于本企业经济效益增长幅度,职工实际平均工资增长低于本公司劳动生产率增长。

    In this economic condition , the growth of the total wage rate is slower than it of the enterprises ' economic performance , the growth of workers ' actual average wage is slower than it of productivity of labor .

  21. 但随着村落经济规模的扩张,低成本发展的道路就面临双重的困境要么提高货币工资,要么大幅度增加福利。

    However , with the enlargement of village economy scale , there emerges the dilemma of the low-cost developing path : raise the monetary salary , or increase the allowance .

  22. 工资税的削减幅度应再大一些;拿出巨额资金用于减记不良抵押贷款的本金;为创造新工作岗位提供高额补贴;恢复对各州政府的紧急财政援助。

    Cut the payroll tax more deeply ; commit serious sums to principal reduction of distressed mortgages ; aggressively subsidise net new jobs ; and restore emergency fiscal assistance to the States .

  23. 电视剧演员通常一季结束后工资会上涨5%,对于有些已经确定有下一季的剧,工资上涨的幅度还不止5%。

    Series cast members normally receive a5 percent salary bump every year , with higher figures sometimes on offer for stars on established shows .

  24. 该行业平均月工资增长了110%,达到了6675元人民币,但是却稍逊于护理专业,该行业工资增长幅度排在第一,护士的工资平均增长了117%。

    The average monthly salary increased by 110 % to 6675 yuan , although the nursing profession beat them to the top spot with nurses reporting average hike of 117 % .