
  • salary guideline
  1. 近日,全国已有五个省市区发布了2016年的工资指导线,且工资增长率多为下调,这预示着今年工资增幅将放缓。

    Five provinces , municipalities and autonomous regions across China have issued their 2016 guidelines on wage increases , heralding a smaller wage increase this year as most wage growth rates fall .

  2. 苏海南称,工资指导线是根据地区生产总值、物价上涨水平、劳动生产率和上一年度的工资总体水平得出的。他补充说道,雇主并非必须按照工资指导线涨薪。

    Guidelines on wage increases are " based on a region 's GDP , price rising level , labor productivity and overall wage level of last year , " Su says , adding that it is not compulsory for an employer to increase wages according to the guidelines .

  3. 非通货膨胀性工资增长指导线

    Guide-line for noninflationary wages increase

  4. 数据显示,这五个地区的工资指导基准线均降至10%以下,其中,山西降幅最大,达3%。

    Data shows the average suggested wage increase of the five regions all dropped to below 10 % , with Shanxi recording the biggest decline of 3 % .

  5. 关于工资增长的指导线,是在1997年引入中国的,可分为三个层次:工资增长预警线、工资增长基准线和工资增长下线。

    Guidelines on wage increases , introduced in 1997 in China , can be divided into three levels : average suggested wage increase , maximum suggested wage increase and minimum suggested wage increase .

  6. 健全最低工资制度,全面推行工资指导线和劳动力市场工资指导价位制度。

    The minimum wage system shall be improved and the wage guidelines and the guidance price level system for the labor market be enforced across-the-board .