
  • 网络working relationship;Job Relation;twi-jr
  1. 我与老板已经建立起良好的工作关系。

    I have established a good working relationship with my boss .

  2. 我和老板的工作关系很好。

    I have a good working relationship with my boss .

  3. 副总统似乎与总统有着良好的工作关系。

    The vice-president seems to have a good working relationship with the president .

  4. 我丈夫由于工作关系经常遇到年轻人。

    My husband is constantly thrown together with young people through his work .

  5. 尽管我们各自背景不同,但我们还是很快从工作关系发展成了私下的好朋友。

    What began as a professional relationship became a personal one pretty quickly , despite us coming from very different backgrounds .

  6. 在生意场上,通过与尽可能多的人面对面地打交道来建立工作关系很重要。

    In business , it is important to network with as many people as possible on a face to face basis .

  7. 这件事对今后的工作关系重大,不可小视。

    This is not to be slighted , for it has an important bearing on our future work .

  8. Web使用数据挖掘是为网站经营管理和结构调整提供决策支持的主要手段,其中的数据预处理工作关系到挖掘的质量。

    Web usage mining is the main method for management and structure adjustment of web site .

  9. 上周五,大众出现全面领导层危机,当时大众董事长费迪南多•皮耶希(FerdinandPiëch)透露,他与长期任职的首席执行官马丁•温特科恩(MartinWinterkorn)工作关系紧张。

    A full-blown leadership crisis was triggered on Friday , when VW 's chairman and patriarch Ferdinand Pi ë ch revealed that his working relationship with long-serving chief executive Martin Winterkorn , was strained .

  10. 所以你怎么来处理你的爱情和你的工作关系呢?

    So how can you juggle your relationship and your career ?

  11. 最要紧的事情是保持你们的工作关系。

    The all important thing is to preserve the work relationship .

  12. 我多少认为这主要是工作关系。

    I sort of regarded that as mainly a business relationship .

  13. 国防科技情报网站工作关系研究

    Research on Work Relations of Defense S & T Information Net work

  14. 记住这些就是工作关系,并非友谊。

    Remember these are business relationships , not friendships .

  15. 这一切有损于和睦的工作关系。

    All this is detrimental to peaceful working relations .

  16. 基层公共图书馆与群众文化工作关系浅议

    On working On the Relationship between the Public Library and the Mass Culture

  17. 狗与人的工作关系可追溯到远古时代。

    The working relationship between dogs and humans goes back to ancient times .

  18. 科组主管与科组教师的工作关系和谐。

    The subject / committee heads and teachers have an amicable working relationship .

  19. 成长与发展和工作关系这两个因素对持续承诺有显著的预测力;

    Growth and development , work relationship had significant predictive effects on continuance commitment ;

  20. 由于工作关系,我得以参加了一系列职业发展的研讨会。

    Through work , I was able to attend a series of professional development seminars .

  21. 工作关系则只提供极少数的社交和情感支持。

    The ties from workplace only provide two kinds of support of emotion and companionship .

  22. 部分原因是,他很了解这些领导人,他们之间有工作关系。

    They have a working relationship .

  23. 严格的保持工作关系。

    Keep our relationship strictly professional .

  24. 科学研究工作关系到一国发展的整体水平和国际竞争力状况。

    Scientific research work is concerned with a country ' macro development level and the international competitive status .

  25. 经理的对这些人的工作关系的协调对饭店的顺利运转意义重大。

    The manager 's working relationship with these people contributes significantly to the smooth functioning of the hotel .

  26. 所以,这种自我约束可以避免因妒忌而导致的银行家和客户之间的不正常工作关系。

    This self-imposed discipline serves to avoid jealousy that may lead to unhealthy banker-client relationship at the working level .

  27. 液压泵能否正常稳定工作关系到整个系统能否达到设计和工作要求。

    Whether hydraulic pump can normally and stably work has effect on whole system which attains the needs of design with work .

  28. 要做个好的共事者,第一条规则就是不把工作关系和个人感情牵扯起来。

    The number one rule for being a good person to work with is to disengage your emotions from the working relationship .

  29. 逆向拍卖的最成功的方案,使许多服务代表处,以建立更密切的工作关系,制造商和分销商。

    Many of ERA 's most successful programs serve to bring the rep to a closer working relationship with manufacturers and distributors .

  30. 如果你有一个和工作关系不大的高等学位,也可以把它忽略不计。

    If you have an advanced degree that isn 't relevant to the job , you may want to omit it too .