
  • 网络PR etiquette;ppt
  1. 警察公关礼仪与警察形象的塑造

    Police Proprieties for Public Relations and the Establishment of Police Image

  2. 当代中国体育文化与体育公关礼仪

    Modern Chinese Sport Culture and Sport Etiquette in Public Relations

  3. 对大学生公关礼仪教育的思考

    On consideration of the public etiquette education to university student

  4. 多样化教学方式在《公关礼仪》课中的运用

    On the Application of Varied Teaching Approaches in a Class of Public Relations & Etiquette

  5. 因此,在高校开设公关礼仪课程成为目前优化大学生综合素质的当务之急。

    Consequently , it is an urgent issue to set up a public relation and etiquette course to optimize the synthetical quality of the undergraduates .

  6. 随着2008年北京奥运会的迫近和中国体育事业的不断发展,体育公关礼仪研究越来越重要。

    With the coming of 2008 Olympic Games and the development of Chinese culture , the sport etiquette in public relations is becoming more and more important .

  7. 当前舞蹈课程已经成为高职公关礼仪类专业的必修课,对高职公关礼仪类专业人才的培养发挥着不可或缺的作用。

    Currently the dancing curriculum has become a required course for PR and etiquette majors in vocational higher education and is playing an important role in producing PR talents .

  8. 随着公共关系活动的普遍展开和走向成熟,公关礼仪成为公关人员获得自尊与自信、社会组织获得理解与支持的重要手段。

    With the broad penetration and the maturity of public relations , the ceremony has become the important way the public win respect and confidence and the organization gain understanding and support .

  9. 从当代中国体育文化角度研究体育公关礼仪,认为体育公关礼仪是一种积极的行为态度,是当代中国体育文化的重要内容。

    This paper intends to study the sport etiquette in public relations through the introduction and analysis of Chinese sport culture , and emphasizes that the sport etiquette of culture in public relations is among the important parts .

  10. 通过公关礼仪教育可以培养大学生提高对礼仪知识的认识,陶冶讲究礼仪的情感,锻炼讲究礼仪的意志,确立讲究礼仪的信念以及养成讲究礼仪的习惯。

    The education of public relation and etiquette could increase undergraduates ' knowledge about etiquette , nurture their sentiment to observe etiquette , exercise their volition to observe etiquette , establish their faith to observe etiquette and foster their custom to observe etiquette .

  11. 核心层包括新闻传播、政府公关;中间层包括公关礼仪、演讲艺术;外围层包括所在部门的相关专业知识以及一定的文化积累。

    Core layer includes news media , public relations ; the middle layer consists of public relations etiquette , speech arts ; the outer layer involves relevant professional knowledge and cultural accumulation .