
  • 网络public satisfaction;Public Satisfaction Degree
  1. 本文以LH区城管部门为例,对城市管理工作中的公众满意度进行研究。

    The paper , taking LH area as an example , studied the degree of public satisfaction in urban management department .

  2. 社会医疗保险公众满意度测评指标体系的构建

    Construct measurement index system of public satisfaction of Social medical insurance

  3. 以公众满意度为价值取向的城市带状公园景观节点设计

    Scenery Code Design in City Belt Park Controlled by Public Satisfaction

  4. 公众满意度测量指标体系研究

    A Study of the Measurement Index System for Public Satisfaction

  5. 社区图书馆服务公众满意度测评研究

    A Study on Public Satisfaction Evaluation for Community Library Services

  6. 公共部门公众满意度若干问题研究

    Study of Several Issues on Public Satisfaction Index in the Public Departments

  7. 上海市长宁社区卫生服务公众满意度评价

    The assessment on public satisfaction on community health care in Changning District

  8. 社会公众满意度测评初探

    On the Measure of the Public 's Satisfaction Degree

  9. 城市管理公众满意度指数模型实证分析

    An Empirical Study of Public Satisfaction on Urban Management

  10. 湖泊富营养化影响与公众满意度评价方法

    Evaluation method for lake eutrophication influence and public satisfaction

  11. 政府服务的公众满意度指数体系研究

    Research on Public Satisfaction Index of Government Services

  12. 兰州市公共服务业公众满意度指数测评

    Calculation on the Public Satisfaction Index of Public Service Industry in Lanzhou Chengguan District

  13. 服务型政府建设视角下的公众满意度提高策略

    Strategies to Improve the Public Satisfaction from the Perspective of Building Service - oriented Government

  14. 电子政务公众满意度对政府形象和公众信任存在显著影响。

    The public satisfaction of e-government with image and public confidence in the government significant influence .

  15. 本文从电子政务的信息化成熟度、政务透明度和公众满意度三个方面对电子政务的发展状况进行评估。

    The development situation of E-Government is evaluated from three aspects : information maturity , government affair transparence and user satisfaction .

  16. 不过,针对我国政府服务的公众满意度实施的测评研究,却还只是星星之火,尚未燎原。

    The research on public satisfaction index measurement towards government can be traced back to government remolding movement of western countries .

  17. 本文拟就社会公众满意度测评的意义、原则以及指标体系的具体架构等方面做一些探讨。

    This paper makes a discussion on the measure of public satisfaction degree in terms of the significance , principle and concrete index system .

  18. 随着政府绩效评价工作的深入开展,公共部门公众满意度测评研究受到越来越多的关注。

    Along with the popularity of government performance evaluation , the public satisfaction evaluation of public sectors has been attracting more and more attention .

  19. 西方发达国家已经把公众满意度测评付诸实践,并取得了良好的效果。

    The western developed countries have already put the Public Satisfaction Index Measurement of the Public Service to practice and have gained good progresses .

  20. 论文分析了社区服务公众满意度测评的过程,提出社区服务公众满意度测评实施框架和模型测评的流程。

    This paper analyzes the process of Community Service Public Satisfaction Measurement , constructs an evaluation implementation framework and the evaluating flow of the model .

  21. 综合运用民意表达、互动协商、行政主导和市场机制等多种方式,提升公众满意度和供给有效性;

    In order to satisfy the masses and improve service efficiency , we must apply public opinion expression , coordination and market-based public administration comprehensively .

  22. 收费公路公共目标定位于公共利益最大化,而不断提高公众满意度是可具体操作的目标。

    Targeting of public toll roads in public to maximize the benefits , and constantly improve the public satisfaction is the goal of the concrete operation .

  23. 社会公众满意度测评属于新兴的研究领域,其测评的对象为政府的公共行政服务。

    The satisfaction degree of the public is a new research field , which will provide a measure of the governmental administrative service for the public .

  24. 公众满意度源于企业管理学的顾客满意度,是公众对政府提供的产品或服务所感知的绩效和期望值比较结果的评价指标。

    Public satisfaction originates from the enterprise management of customer satisfaction , is to provide the public perception of product or service performance and expectations of the evaluation results .

  25. 在进行相关回归分析后得出了本研究的结论,并从公众满意度的角度,对排水企业服务的改进提出了可行的建议。

    After related regression analysis , this study obtains a conclusion , and from the perspective of public satisfaction , proposes the feasible suggestions about improvement of drainage enterprise services .

  26. 政府诚信是社会诚信的主心骨,对社会的经济发展以及稳定运转具有举足轻重的作用,是提升公众满意度不容忽视的重要因素。

    Government credit is the backbone of social credit , it is very vital with economy development and society stability , it is the important element of improving public satisfaction .

  27. 论述了事业单位绩效评估的价值标准主要有经济、效率、效能、公平、公众满意度五个标准,并分析了事业单位绩效评估的实现手段。

    The five value standards : Economical , Effective , Efficient , Fair and Satisfactory , and the implementation means for the performance evaluation of public institution are discussed in this part .

  28. 近几年来,政府流程再造作为一种政府管理创新理念,在实现政府绩效和公众满意度的显著提升等方面的作用越来越显著。

    In recent years , the government process reengineering as a kind of government management innovation ideas , play the more and more remarkable role in government performance and public satisfaction improvement .

  29. 文章通过借鉴美国顾客满意度指数模型的组织绩效测量方法及其在公共部门的应用模式,结合我国公共部门的特点,设计出了适合我国公共部门的公众满意度测评模型与指标体系。

    Based on ACSI and its application to public organizations , this paper offers a design of public satisfaction test model and index system which is appropriate for public organizations in our country .

  30. 公共行政部门实施知识管理,特别是隐性知识管理已经成为在社会获取竞争优势和提高行政服务能力、办事效率以及公众满意度的一个重要标准。

    To implement knowledge management , especially tacit knowledge management has become an important source of international competitive advantage and the way to improve service ability , competence and public satisfaction for administrative department .