
  • 网络Public Relation Manager;PR manager
  1. 所有的相关需求将交由公共关系经理和总经理处理。

    All inquiries are to be handled by the PR Manager or the General Manager .

  2. 任何来自公众的事件,都直接交由公共关系经理处理。

    Any inquiries from the public on the matter shall be directed to the PR Manager .

  3. 为即将进行的产品活动任命公共关系经理、媒体经理和渠道关系官。

    The PR manager , media manager , channel relations officer are to be appointed for the forthcoming product campaign .

  4. “海岸旅游业已经濒临崩溃的边缘,”肯尼亚旅游局公共关系经理罗斯·凯文那如此说到。

    " Tourism on the coast has been brought to its knees ," says Rose Kwena , public relations manager with the Kenya Tourist Board .

  5. 公共关系经理负责向企业赖以成功的受众进行宣传活动,这些受众包括消费者、股东或全体公众。

    Public relations managers have to be excellent oral and written communicators ; they also must be able to connect with a wide variety of audiences .

  6. 公共关系经理职位为众多求职者所瞩目,必将引起其他经理或极富经验的专家和技术人员所追捧,这显然会导致激烈的竞争。

    Public relations manager jobs are highly coveted and will be sought by other managers or highly experienced professional and technical personnel , resulting in substantial competition .

  7. 我是公共关系部经理,这是本人的名片。

    I am manager of the public relation department . Here is my card .

  8. 马拉维国家银行公共关系部经理安妮·马哥拉告诉烟农核实自己在银行的帐户。

    National Bank of Malawi ( NBM ) Public Relations Manager Annie Magola told the farmers to verify their bank accounts with the bank .

  9. 长荣航空公司公共关系部经理刘英军说,长荣航空公司为乘客们准备了月饼和其他一些传统中秋点心。

    Eva Airways has prepared moon-cakes and other traditional Mid-Autumn Festival refreshments for passengers , said Liu Yingjun , the airline 's public relations officer .

  10. 一位只提供姓高的迪奥上海负责公共关系的经理说史东不会在其公司在中国的广告上出现。

    The public relations manager for Dior in Shanghai who gave only her surname , Guo , said Stone would no longer appear in the company 's advertisements in China .

  11. 公共关系公司Burson-Marsteller经理JonathanZaback在向朋友们显摆新黑莓时第一次发现这种现象。

    The first time it happened to Jonathan Zaback , a manager at the public relations company Burson-Marsteller , he was out with friends and showing off his new BlackBerry Curve .

  12. 还记得几年前,当时我的工作是大型公共关系公司的项目经理。

    A few years back I worked as a project manager for a large public relations agency .