
  1. 公共环境雕塑的公众因素与文化环境

    Public Factors and Cultural Environment of Public Environment Sculpture

  2. 这种转变处于时代变迁的背景下,与地方政府和公众因素紧密相关。

    The transition is closely related to local government and public factors under the background of time vicissitudes .

  3. 第三,本文对湖南再生资源产业发展的影响因素进行了探讨,主要包括成本-收益因素、产业组织形式因素、从业人员与技术因素、产业政策因素、社会公众因素五个方面。

    The five factors include the cost – profit factor , the industrial organization form factor , the practitioner and technical factor , the policy factor , and public factor .

  4. P与公司特质因素、公众信息因素之间的相关关系,检验了承销商在定价过程中是如何对待公众信息的。

    Relations are found among the price update and public information .

  5. 二是对影响公众认知的因素进行计量分析。

    The other one is quantitative analysis of the influencing factors of the public perception .

  6. 维护中不利于植物生长和公众参与的因素进行汇总,提供较好的解决方案。

    Maintenance is not conducive to plant growth and public participation factors were aggregated to provide a better solution .

  7. 政治学者通过跟踪比如经济发展趋势、政治自由度和公众健康等因素,已经建立了几种可预测的政变模式。

    Political scientists , by tracking factors like economic trends , political freedoms and public health , have identified several predictive patterns .

  8. 其运行过程中往往受到当地党政机关、农村基层精英和民间公众舆论等因素的影响。

    The course of its operation is often subject to local party and government organs , the rural elite , society norms and other factors .

  9. 文章系统地分析了并购整合中的文化风险的来源及其影响,除了文化差异直接给企业并购带来文化风险外,还有并购方式、整合方式以及目标企业的公众关系等因素带来的文化风险。

    This thesis systematically analyze the sources and impacts of culture risks covering direct culture risk imposing upon enterprise form culture differences , besides , analyzing factors along with merging patterns , integrating pattern and the public relations of objective corporation .

  10. 城市开放空间公众意象的影响因素研究

    Research on the Impact Factors in Public Image of Urban Open Space

  11. 分析了公众参与的影响因素,认为政治、经济、社会、家庭等因素对公众参与的影响颇大。

    After analyzing the influencing factors , it concludes that the political , economic , social , family factors are the main ones in participation .

  12. 是否可以想像直入主题而不再涉及建筑、都市、社会、公众和环境等等因素?

    Is it even conceivable to proceed to the main subject without an introduction that touches on all sorts of architectural , urban , social , public and environmental issues ?

  13. 影响西部地区公众环境意识的因素包括:经济发展程度、对人与自然关系的认识、对环境状况的评价、受教育程度、年龄和职业等,同时发现性别不能导致环境意识水平的显著差异。

    The facts that impact the PEA in western area are the speed of economic development , the reorganization of current environmental situation and the relation between human and nature , the degree of education , age and occupation .