
  • 网络Public Relations Management;PR management
  1. 海南省农业突发事件公关管理情况调查报告

    An Investigation Report of Public Relations Management of Emergent Agricultural Events in Hainan Province

  2. 至少五年以上媒介代理,营销或公关管理岗位经验,岗位与现有公司架构相同。

    A minimum of five years in an advertising , marketing or PR management position within a similarly structured company .

  3. 体育明星危机公关管理策略政府危机公关的传播控制策略

    Crisis management tactics of famous athletes The Communicate and Control Strategy of the Government Crisis PR

  4. 从实践操作层面探讨中职校怎样去实现公关管理的价值。

    How to realize the value of the public relation administration is discussed from practical operation .

  5. 而传统媒体,一直作为危机公关管理的重要工具和平台,却很少重视到自身的危机公关管理。

    The traditional media as the tool of crisis management , has little attention of its crisis management .

  6. 为副总裁处理日常工作事务,包括来客接待,公关管理,商务用餐安排和差旅安排等。

    Manage the daily working schedule for vp , including visitor reception , public relationship management , business dinner arrangement and travel arrangement .

  7. 最后,本文通过对丰田召回门案例的系统分析有效印证了混沌消费者环境中危机公关管理的重要性。

    Finally , this paper confirms the importance of the crisis PR in chaotic consumer environment with the Toyota - " Recalled gate " case .

  8. 为了有效解决这些企业现实问题,本文在借鉴前人研究的基础上,利用相关理论构建了基于混沌消费者环境下的危机公关管理关系模型。

    In order to effectively solve the practical problems for enterprises , on the basis of previous studies , this paper constructed a Crisis PR-management model under chaotic consumer environment .

  9. 奥运会的影响力决定了其将成为众多媒体关注的焦点,一旦爆发突发事件,媒体的跟踪报道将有意无意放大突发事件的负面效应,因此媒体关系将是公关管理中非常重要的一个环节。

    Once some emergent affairs burst out , reports of media will enlarge negative effect brought by emergent affairs , so media relations management should be the very important link in Pr management .

  10. 本文从国际公共关系学的视角出发,对城市形象国际公关管理进行理论研究和实践总结,创造了城市形象国际公共关系管理的模式,并对其基本问题进行分析。

    This article view from the international public relations ' perspective , analyzed the theory and the practice of the international public relations of city reputation , and created the model of international public relations management of city reputation .

  11. 论企业公关危机管理模式

    Study of the management pattern of public relations crisis in enterprises

  12. 中国电视媒体的公关活动管理

    On the management of the public relations campaign of TV media in China

  13. 现代企业公关危机管理

    The Public Relations Crisis Control in Modern Enterprise

  14. 企业公关危机管理新思维:化危为机&以康师傅水源门事件为例

    Enterprise Public Relations Crisis Managing New Thought : Change " the Danger " into " Chance " & Take " the Water Source Gate Event " of Kang Shifu as the Example

  15. 指出现代企业必须加强公关危机管理,以增强企业在当今复杂多变的商业环境中的适应能力。

    It points out that the modern enterprise must strengthen the public relations crisis control , to build up the enterprise 's adaptation ability in the complex and changeable business environment nowadays .

  16. 浅析危机公关在护理管理中的应用

    Primary analysis on application of crisis public relation in nursing management

  17. 大学本科及以上学历,公关、行政管理等相关专业。

    Bachelor degree or higher , majored in PR and Admin related .

  18. 潘恩先生则继续运营博雅公关,而且管理着公司的微软账户。

    Mr Penn continues to run Burson-Marsteller and to manage its Microsoft account himself .

  19. 作为一家公关公司的管理者,我正努力将员工薪资支出削减30万英镑。

    I run a PR agency and I am trying to cut 300,000 off my salary bill .

  20. 转型期的中国社会危机事件日见增多,危机公关、危机管理、危机传播的研究也在中国悄然兴起。

    The number of crisis events is increasing in the transition of China society . The research on the crisis public relations , crisis management , and crisis communication are also quietly rising .

  21. 艾莉森•瑞索(AlisonRisso)一家就是这种情况。今年39岁的艾莉森是一位负责公关业务的高层管理者,她的收入是她做土木工程师的丈夫乔恩(Jon)的两倍。

    That 's the case with public-relations executive Alison Risso , 39 , who makes twice as much as her husband , Jon , a civil engineer ;

  22. 认为矫正型公共关系方法和原则运用,对实现公关与政府危机管理的良性互动,促进社会总体发展和和谐,具有重要的现实意义。

    It is vital to use the methods and principals of public relations to realize interaction between public relations and governmental crisis management , and this can lead to the progress and harmony of our society .

  23. 通过将危机公关与公关危机和危机管理进行比较,廓清了他们之间的区别。

    After comparison , the author has distinguished the conception of public crisis management from a lot of other similar words .

  24. 而这些公关问题是完全可以通过企业公关预警管理体系的有效预警预控。

    However , these problems can be controled in advance through the enterprise 's effective forewarning management .

  25. 这起被称为“空难”的公关危机事件,恰如一枚多棱镜,折射出企业公关危机管理的诸多问题。

    It has been called the " disastrous " public relations crisis incident , which reflects many public relations crisis management ( PRCM ) issues of the enterprise .

  26. 以公关体系的建构为路向,以化解居委会角色冲突为切入点,可以对社区居委会自治改革进行对策性研究,建构一套全新的居委会自主公关管理体系。

    The way to build a completely new system of neighborhood committee autonomy is to start with solving its role conflicts and research on its reform in order to build a public relation system .