
  1. 书中的乔治布什(georgewbush)给人以小心谨慎、乐于委派任务的印象,与公众印象中那个冲动而虔诚的十字军战士截然相反。

    President George W Bush comes across as circumspect and more than happy to delegate , contrary to the impetuous , God-fearing crusader of the popular imagination .

  2. 电影《社交网络》的上映并没有对扎克伯格的公众印象有什么改善。

    The release of the film " The Social Network " did not improve Zuckerberg 's public image .

  3. 军队形象的形成与公众印象、公众态度和公众舆论密切相关。

    The formation of military forces'image has a close relationship with public impression , public attitude and public opinion .

  4. 盖特纳的公众印象或许会有所改善而奥巴马承担不起在上任100天内就失去一位财政部长。

    Mr Geithner 's public touch may improve - and Mr Obama can ill-afford to lose a Treasury secretary within his first 100 days .

  5. 一般而言,熊猫在公众印象中是可爱、温和的动物,尽管如此,当它们被激怒或受到惊吓的时候,野生动物的本性还是会可能爆发。

    Pandas , which generally have a public image as cute , gentle creatures , are nonetheless wild animals that can be violent when provoked or startled .

  6. 在公众的印象里,有两个欧洲:勤劳的北部,拥有低失业率和生机勃勃的经济;还有一个是萧条的南部,人们宁愿悠闲地喝着浓咖啡,看着匆忙的世界。

    In the collective imagination , there are two Europes : the industrious north , with relatively low unemployment and dynamic economies , and the sluggish south , where people would just as soon kick back , sip an espresso and watch the world go by .

  7. 新乡县在规划了新城市后,政府办公园区的景观面貌作为政府给公众的第一印象,其规划设计的优劣就显得尤为重要。

    After planning the new towns of Xinxiang County , because the landscape of office garden of government could give public the first impression , the quality of planning and design seems particularly important .

  8. 虽然温州形象并非仅仅由媒体来建构,但是后者所营造的拟态环境,无疑是形成公众对温州印象的源泉。

    Although the image of Wenzhou is constructed not just by the media , the " pseudo-environment " created by the latter is undoubtedly the source through which the public gain the impression of Wenzhou .

  9. 因为该报道的内容,所以公众对政府的印象不佳。

    The government is in bad odour with the public because of the contents of the report .

  10. 最初的战争报道虽然烦乱,但内容并不那么鲜活。因为该报道的内容,所以公众对政府的印象不佳。

    The initial images of the war , while disturbing , were not personal . The government is in bad odour with the public because of the contents of the report .

  11. 无论在任何情况下,他们都希望公众有这样的印象:外星人的存在超出了他们的限度,或者他们是无法控制此事的。

    Under no circumstances did they wish for the populace to have the impression that they were being overrun by the alien presence or that they had no control over this matter .

  12. 学生考试作弊,拖欠贷款,以及大学生在校生活和就业选择期间的种种不诚信行为已经严重损害了社会公众对大学生的印象。

    College students ' cheating in examinations , defaulted loans and lack of honesty-credit in life and employment during the selection of the various acts , already seriously influence the public impression of college Students .

  13. 从传播学视角来考量,大众媒介运用手中的文化权力与话语资源,借助各种媒介文本促成公众对剩女的印象存储,并最终积淀为刻板印象。

    From the perspective of communication , using the cultural power and discourse resources , mass media forms a public impression of the " 3S Lady " through a variety of special cases , and eventually accumulates into a stereotype .

  14. 军队形象是军队外在特征、行为表现和内在精神在社会公众心目中形成的总体印象。军队形象的形成与公众印象、公众态度和公众舆论密切相关。

    Military forces ' social image is the overall impression of the external character , behaviour , internal spirit of the forces to the public .