
  • 网络public relations activities;public relations campaigns;PR Campaigns
  1. 论图书馆公共关系活动的开展&基于案例分析的综合研究

    A Discussion on Carrying out Library Public Relations Activities & A comprehensive research based on the case study

  2. 警察临战公共关系活动管理

    On the public relations management in the police facing battles

  3. 形象资源与公共关系活动

    A study on image resources and public relations

  4. 因此,将公共关系活动与形象资源的培植与开发活动紧密结合起来,才能取得最佳的效果。

    In order to acquire a best effect , we should combine public relation activities with the cultivation and development of image resources .

  5. 此间不乏有一些成功地利用公共关系活动来推广企业品牌的案例,比如海尔、中远洋、联想等。

    In this new era , people witnessed many a case where PR activities successfully promoted the corporate image , among which are the cases of Haier , COSCO , Legend etc.

  6. 随着公共关系活动的普遍展开和走向成熟,公关礼仪成为公关人员获得自尊与自信、社会组织获得理解与支持的重要手段。

    With the broad penetration and the maturity of public relations , the ceremony has become the important way the public win respect and confidence and the organization gain understanding and support .

  7. 世界上许多国家均十分重视本国政府在国际和国内公众面前的形象,并为树立良好的组织形象而广泛开展政府公共关系活动。

    A lot of countries of the world pay more attention to the government image , and build public relationship of government widely which is in order to shape good government image .

  8. 许多成功的初创公司在成立初期会借助文化营销、增长造势和公共关系活动来做推广。在公司的增长遇到平台期之前,它们并不担心营销问题。

    Many successful startups don 't worry about marketing until their growth has hit a plateau , relying on cultural relevance , momentum , and public relations outreach in the early days .

  9. 通过公共关系活动的开展,可以全方位拓展档案馆的社会功能,为档案事业发展创造最佳的社会环境。

    The development of the public relation activities , which can expand the social function of the archive establishment , will create the optimum social relation environment for the development of the archive establishment .

  10. 掌握并自觉遵循公共关系策划活动规律是确保公共关系策划成功的关键。

    To master and abide by the planning activities of public relations is the key to guarantee the success of planning of public relations .

  11. 营销传播包括:广告、销售促进、直效营销、人员推销、公共关系、活动营销,六类工具。

    Marketing propagation includes six sorts of tools : advertisement , sales promotion , direct marketing , human promotion , public relationship , activity marketing .

  12. 领导一个由15名专业人士组成的营销小组,服务领域涉及产品管理、公共关系和促销活动。

    Led a team of15 marketing professionals in product management , public relation , and promotional roles .

  13. 推销:推销用来支持各种营销活动,包括广告支出,个人销售,公共关系和辅助活动。

    Promotion : Promotion is used to support marketing efforts : paid advertising , personal selling , public relations , and supplemental efforts .

  14. 关于推广组合中(告,促销,公共关系,举办活动和赞助)部分应占多大比例的决策过程。

    Process of making decisions about the parts of the promotion mix ( advertising , sales promotion , public relations , event marketing , and sponsorship ) .

  15. 通过对网络营销、公共关系和广告活动的组合,快速、精准和低成本地将企业和产品信息传达给目标客户。

    Through the combination of network marketing , public relations and advertising activities , the corporation and product information will be passed to target customers fast , accurately and cost-effectively .

  16. ①认识到只做好外部的公关活动并非是成功的企业公共关系,公关活动只是公共关系的一部分。

    The enterprise should realize that the execution of external PR activities alone does not constitute successful corporate public relations , but rather , it is just a part of the latter .

  17. 为促进公共关系而进行的活动。

    An advertising campaign intended to improve public relations .

  18. 通过对案例中中小企业克服自身劣势,利用公共关系开展品牌营销活动的深入分析和思考。

    Through the case of SMEs to overcome their disadvantages , the use of public relations for brand marketing activities of the in-depth analysis and reflection .

  19. 特别是针对本文的研究对象本身,采用多学科交叉性研究方法,因为公共关系理论及其行为活动包含多种构成因素,需要借助多种学科知识理论及研究方法进行交叉性研究。

    Specially , multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research methods have been used , because of their behavior and activities of public relations theory contains a variety of components , it is a required for variety of subject knowledge .

  20. 作为一种创造性的事业,公共关系策划是整个公共关系活动的灵魂。

    As a Creative undertaking , PRscheming is the soul of the PR work as a whole .

  21. 公共关系策划原则,是公共关系策划活动规律的体现。

    Planning principle of public relations reflects the regular patterns of planning activities of public relations .

  22. 职业道德一直是一个引人注意的中心话题,公共关系职业道德是伴随着公共关系实践活动所产生的一种社会道德现象。

    The profession morality is a serious and sensitive topic . , It is a new social morality phenomenon that came into being with the development of the practical activities related with PR in our country .

  23. 公共关系职业道德是是指公关工作人员在公共关系实践活动中应当遵循的用以调节社会组织与其相关公众关系的行为规范和准则的总和,是在特定的工作环境中形成的道德准则规范。

    Professional ethics of public relations is public relations staff in the public relations practice that should be followed for the regulation of social organization associated with the public relations code of conduct and guidelines for the sum of the working environment in a particular form of moral code specifications .

  24. 公共关系&指的是现代公共关系、现代公共关系学、现代公共关系活动和过程,同时,它还指的是“古代的公共关系”、“古代的具有公共关系意识的行为和过程”。

    On the other hand , it means modern public relations , modern public relation science itself , ancient public relations and ancient activities and processes with consciousness of public relations .