
  • 网络Public behavior;public action
  1. 即非组织化公众行为模式、半组织化公众社会行为和组织化行为模式。

    That the public behavior of non-organized , semi-organized social behavior and organization of public behavior .

  2. 作为一项社会公众行为和公益事业,志愿服务事业对于构建和谐社会具有深远的意义。

    As a public behavior and public welfare , it has far-reaching significance of building a harmonious society .

  3. 做一个雅典人就是要关心公共事务和公众行为的改善。

    To be an Athenian is to take an interest in public affairs and the improvement of public behavior .

  4. 多元化的利益需求是公众行为取向的根本动力,公众的政策参与行为在政策过程中产生了重大的效应。

    Various demands of interests are the underlying motivity of the public 's policy-participation that seriously affects the public policy course .

  5. 滋扰公众行为是指对社会全体成员享受法律规定权利的干涉。

    A public nuisance is an act that interferes with the enjoyment of a right that all members of the community are entitled to .

  6. 心理学因素主要是基于认知不协调理论,降低认知不协调性是改变公众行为有效途径。

    Psychological factors are mainly based on the theory of cognitive dissonance and therefore , reduction of cognitive dissonance is an effective way to change public behavior .

  7. 新制度经济学家认为制度影响着公众行为和资源配置的效率,从而导致经济绩效的差异。

    The new institutional economists ' studies address that the institution affects the efficiency of the public behavior and the resources allocation , resulting in the difference of economic performance .

  8. 电视剧能反映一个国家和民族的民族价值观、审美偏好、公众行为,电视剧的跨国传播,实际上是不同的文化相容相斥的一个过程。

    Television play is cultural carrier which greatly reflect the sense of worth , public behavior , modes of thoughts , aesthetic appreciation in a country or nation . The multinational dissemination of TV paly is actual a process of conflict in different cultures .

  9. 城市精神识别与政府行为、企业行为、公众行为、窗口行业行为、市民个体行为、行为环境改善、经济健康发展等城市行为具有互动性。

    City spirit identification interactes with many kinds of city behaviors , such as government 's behavior , enterprise 's behavior , public behavior , behavior of service trade , citizen 's individual behavior , behavior environment improving , economy developing in a healthy way etc.

  10. 巴尔默先生从2000年开始执掌微软,他的古怪性格和易激动的公众行为是出了名的。以自己如何在微软开展工作为例,巴尔默给商业领袖们提出了合理和条理分明的建议。

    While Mr. Ballmer , who has been at the helm of Microsoft since 2000 , is known for his eccentric personality and episodes of excitable public behavior , he gives sound and structured advice to business leaders about how he approaches his work at Microsoft .

  11. 通过对城市居民的行为模式、认知、意象、空间环境质量综合评价的研究,得出当前广州市城市道路节点空间的使用状况有以下特点:公众行为模式与活动意愿契合度不高;

    From the research on the behavior , perception , impression and appraisal of environment quality of Guangzhou citizens , it can be concluded that the use of Guangzhou 's road nodes space has the following characteristics : discrepancy between citizens ' actual behaviors and their wishes ;

  12. 浅析循环经济中的公众参与行为&从循环经济3R原则的视角切入分析

    Study on Action of the Public Participation in Circular Economy & Analysis on Angle of Reduce 、 Reuse and Recycle in Circular Economy

  13. 促进公众健康行为的养成是一项复杂的系统工程。

    Cultivation of public health behavior is a complex systematic project .

  14. 火灾时公共建筑中公众逃生行为分析及设计对策

    Escape Behavior from Fire in Public Building and Design Strategy

  15. 当前,在促进公众健康行为优化方面,我们缺乏的并不是勇气,而是方法。

    In promoting public health behavior , we do not lack courage , but skill and strategy .

  16. 文章通过公众社会行为对科技产业转移的影响类型以及影响效果三个层面进行分析。

    Article on the social behavior of the public transfer of technology industry types and effects of three levels .

  17. 解释或者展现给公众的行为;通过广播或者印刷品展现新闻或者其它信息。

    The act of making something publicly available ; presenting news or other information by broadcasting or printing it .

  18. 公众社会行为对科技产业转移的影响类型主要表现为促进、默认和抵制。

    Public social behavior of the transfer of technology industry types mainly to promote , by default , and resistance .

  19. 首先:关注政治领导阶层以作为工作基础,因为一个很清晰的政治导向很大程度上影响了公众的行为和思想。

    First : Focusing on political leadership as work basis because clear political directions tremendously influence the public behavior and mind-set .

  20. 如何培养目标人群正确的求医行为?一群不守规矩的人的公众暴力行为。

    How can we successfully develop health seeking behavior among target populations ? a public act of violence by an unruly mob .

  21. 一群不守规矩的人的公众暴力行为。结果守军决定留下来与墨西哥人抗战到底。

    A public act of violence by an unruly mob . The defenders decided to stay there and fight against the Mexicans .

  22. 公众社会行为是多元社会因素的综合体现,与科技产业转移有着密切的关系。

    Public social behavior is diverse and comprehensive reflection of social factors , and the technology industry is closely related to the transfer .

  23. 这里平均每天收容着1500到1700名有严重精神病的犯人,大多数是由于轻微的罪行而被拘留的,主要是有骚扰公众的行为。

    On an average day , it holds1500to1700inmates who are severely mentally ill , most of them detained on minor charges , essentially for being public nuisances .

  24. 应用社会学理论分析科技产业转移中的热点事件,笔者认为科技产业中公众社会行为模式主要分为三类。

    Applied Sociological Theory in the hot transfer technology industry event , I believe that civil society in the technology industry is divided into three patterns of behavior .

  25. 只有综合运用促进公众健康行为优化的公共政策和传播策略,才能让更多中国人告别不良的生活习惯,迈向健康新生活。

    Only the integrated use of public policy and communication strategies will push more Chinese people to say goodbye to unhealthy habits and walk towards a healthy new life .

  26. 结合需求、时间、空间参与要素和资源系统分析了9种公众参与行为模块,建立了三维的旧城住区更新工程公众参与行为框架。

    Nine kinds of participation behavior mode are proposed . Three dimension framework of public participation behavior is set up combinating time , space , needs and resource system .

  27. 在经过历史的沉淀后,习惯法就不仅仅是甚至不再是社会公众的行为模式,反而成为法律人的思维模式。

    So the customary law is not the behavior mode of the civil , but has become the thinking mode of the lawyer passing through a long historical deposition .

  28. 公共空间的状态会影响到公众的行为习惯和方式以及整个城市的社会心理,而这种行为习惯和方式又会影响到公众对于城市形态的塑造和对公共空间的态度。

    The status of can affect the public 's behavior custom and the mentality of society that can impact on the public 's attitude to the city form and the public sites .

  29. 欺诈在合同法中是一种意思瑕疵,在信息社会里,欺诈作为误导公众的行为,是一种典型的不正当竞争行为。

    Fraud is a blot on intent indication in traditional contract law . In the information society , as an action misleading the public , fraud is a typical act of unfair competition .

  30. 只有这样才能有效规制非法吸收公众存款行为,保护社会公众的权益,促进市场经济的合理、有序发展。

    Only in this way can we effectively regulate the illegal absorption public deposits ACTS , protect the rights and interests of the public , and promote the reasonable and orderly market economy development .