
  • 网络public relations consultant;public relations counselor
  1. 我们应该雇用一名公共关系顾问来改善我们的形象。

    We ought to hire a public relations consultant to help improve our image .

  2. 政府新闻处担任政府的公共关系顾问,负责政府的出版、宣传及新闻工作。

    The Information Services Department ( ISD ) serves as the government 's public relations consultant , publisher , advertising agent and news agency .

  3. 他自己开公司,做起了独立公共关系顾问。

    He set up shop as an independent PR consultant

  4. 普乐普公共关系顾问有限公司公共卫生方面的严重问题与该城低效率的污水处理系统有关

    The grave problem of public hygiene is connected with the inefficient sewage system of the city

  5. 情况很复杂,一位被请来提供咨询的公共关系顾问表示。

    It was very difficult , says one of the public relations consultants who have been called in to give advice .

  6. 他们都是受雇于商业,工业和批发单位,市场营销和公共关系顾问公司和政府部门。

    They are employed by commercial , industrial and wholesale establishments , marketing and public relations consulting companies and government departments .

  7. 任何像样的公共关系顾问都会告诉他,要通过足球、相貌及为人父的角色来为自己说话。

    Any decent PR adviser would tell him that he speaks loudly through his football and his looks , and as a father .

  8. 记者热衷把他们认为任何具有阴谋气息的事情加上后缀“门”这一字,一位公共关系顾问曾建议换一个名字。

    GIVEN journalists ' penchant for sticking the suffix " gate " onto anything they think smells of conspiracy , a public-relations consultant might have suggested a different name .

  9. 布赖恩布尔德先生,一位公共关系顾问,正在策划这些活动。正如他们在公共关系事务中所说,他身兼多职。

    Mr Brian baird , a public relations consultant , is masterminding the proceedings . he , as they say in the PR business , is wearing a lot of hats .

  10. 青年菜君的创始人之一,任牧,在创业前曾在一家北京公司担任公共关系顾问。

    Ren Mu , one of Mr Food 's founders , has worked as a public relations specialist at a Beijing-based company before setting up the new business . As a PR consultant , he often rode the subway to and from work .

  11. 皇室公共关系精英顾问马克思·克里福德最近表示,威廉王子和媒体的关系对于君主制度的未来有着极为关键的作用。

    Max Clifford , the celebrity PR adviser , recently said that Prince William 's relationship with the press would be crucial in terms of the future of the monarchy .