
jù xī
  • monitor;goanna;uran;varanid
巨蜥[jù xī]
  1. 云南巨蜥类物种多样性及其生境、习性和现状的初步调查

    The preliminary researches on the Varanid species of Yunnan and their habitats , habits and conservational situation

  2. 国内巨蜥的研究现状

    Research Status of Water Monitor in China

  3. 报道说,科莫多巨蜥(Komododragon)是世界上体形最大的蜥蜴,其身长能长到3米。

    The Komodo dragon ( Varanus komodoensis ) is the world 's biggest lizard , reaching up to three metres ( 10 feet ) long .

  4. 科莫多龙其实是庞大的巨蜥。

    The Komodo Dragon is in fact a giant Monitor lizard .

  5. 巨蜥盲花蜱-四川省新记录

    A new record of aponomma lucasi Warburton in Sichuan

  6. 巨蜥怪兽的死亡凝视,令任何将领都闻风色变。

    Generals should fear the gaze of the Basilisk !

  7. 登记在册,人们最后一次见到牙买加巨蜥时是在1840年。

    The last recorded sighting of a Jamaican giant galliwasp occurred in 1840 .

  8. 在温暖的季节里,马奎斯吃巨蜥、壁虎和鬃狮蜥。

    In the warm months , Marquis ate goannas , geckos and bearded dragons .

  9. 巨蜥设计(名称)以国际化的设计观念和实务运作树立在行业之中。

    Giant Lizard Designing Company is characterized with international design concept and practical operation .

  10. 实际上,这种巨蜥是当地人的重要食物之一。

    In fact , the giant lizard is one of the important local foods .

  11. 其实科摩多巨蜥并非像外表凶猛。

    Actually , the Komodo dragons are not quite as fierce as they look .

  12. 但柯莫多巨蜥的体型最巨大。

    But they are much more massive .

  13. 蜥蜴蜥蜴中的一种,如巨蜥或飞蜥。

    Any of various lizards , such as the Komodo dragon or the flying lizard .

  14. 但是,与科莫多巨蜥幼蜥不同的是,薯虫的粪便对敌人来说是有毒的。

    Unlike baby komodos , the potato beetle 's feces are actually poisonous to predators .

  15. 与其他恐龙近亲不同,这种巨蜥不是肉食性动物,而是以水果为生。

    Unlike other close cousin of dinosaur , the giant lizard eats fruits instead of fresh meats .

  16. 这种蜥蜴是食肉类动物,它们通常依靠捕食山羊、鹿和其它哺乳动物为生。科莫多巨蜥的唾液中含有致命的细菌,足以致猎物死亡。

    The creature is carnivorous , killing goats , deer and other mammals through deadly bacteria in its saliva .

  17. 所以宾夕法尼亚州立大学的科学家们分析了它们现存的最近亲属巨蜥的基因。

    So instead , scientists at Penn State analyzed the genes of their closest living relatives , the monitor lizards .

  18. 尽管对于科学家来说,这种巨蜥是新物种,但当地土著人已经认识它们几百年了。

    Though this kind of lizard is a new species to the scientists , local aborigines have known about it for centuries .

  19. 它们也被称作“下沉的巨蜥”,牙买加巨草蜥可长至60厘米,而这造成了当地人的恐惧。

    Also known as a sinking galliwasp , it grew to around 60 centimters ( 2 ft ) long and terrified locals .

  20. 法国动物学家们日前表示,他们对最近4只珍稀的科莫多巨蜥宝宝的诞生既感到高兴又有些迷惑不解,因为他们至今没弄清这些巨蜥宝宝的爸爸到底是谁。

    Zoologists said they were delighted and perplexed at the birth of four rare Komodo dragons , whose paternity remains a mystery .

  21. 提出了人工饲养条件下巨蜥饲养环境配置、环境温度和湿度的控制、越冬和越夏的饲养管理等建议。

    This paper also providedes some suggestions on ways for controlling environment , temperature and humidity , husbandry management of summer and winter .

  22. 和我们的小科莫多巨蜥一样,薯虫幼虫会用粪便覆盖其身以避免落为天敌的口中美味。

    Like our little friend the komodo dragon , potato beetle babies ( larvae ) cover themselves in their own poop to avoid being eaten .

  23. 这种眼斑巨蜥看起来非常笨重,好像没什么样子,但它的确是动物界当中非常凶残的杀手之一。

    The creature may look very clumsy , but pound for pound , it is one of the most ferocious fighters in the animal kingdom .

  24. 科莫多巨蜥是食肉动物,有时甚至会捕食人类。

    These reptiles are plenty scary in their own right . They 're carnivorous hunters , and on occasion they 've even dined upon humans .

  25. 1912年,自然主义者发现了科莫多巨蜥。这是一种来自印度尼西亚的类蜥蜴爬行动物,长至11尺(3.5米)。

    In 1912 , naturalists discovered the Komodo dragon , a lizard from Indonesia that grows up to 11 feet ( 3.5 meters ) in length .

  26. 比如某一期中,《吉米秀》的工作人员提出的问题就是:你认为2014年的电影《哥斯拉》是否没有顾及1954年东京巨蜥袭击幸存者们的感情?

    In one episode , Kimmel 's crew asked people whether they thought the 2014 film Godzilla was insensitive to survivors of the 1954 giant lizard attack on Tokyo ;

  27. 现在,因为沧龙-巨蜥的祖先-是蛇进化时周围唯一的海洋蜥蜴,所以蛇应该是从在陆地上生活的蜥蜴进化而来。

    Now , because the mosasaurs – the monitor lizards'ancestors – were the only marine lizards around when snakes evolved , snakes must have evolved from lizards living on land .

  28. 恐怖指数:作为非洲最大的蛇类,非洲岩蟒足以吞下一只疣猪、巨蜥,甚至鳄鱼一般大的猎物。

    The Scare Factor : As the largest snake in Africa , the African rock python is capable of taking down prey like warthogs , monitor lizards and even crocodiles .

  29. 尽管其他种类的蜥蜴也会出现单性生殖的现象,但是这在科莫多巨蜥身上还是首次发现。科莫多巨蜥是蜥蜴家族中最大的种类。

    Although other lizards are known to reproduce this way , it is the first time this process was recorded in Komodo dragons , which are the largest of the lizard family .

  30. 不过在自然界,生物体的孤雌生殖(处女生育的学名)十分普遍,锤头鲨、科莫多巨蜥、摩尔蝾螈和其他种类的爬行动物、鱼类以及昆虫都可以不经交配,直接繁殖。

    On the other hand , parthenogenesis ( the scientific term for virgin birth ) is common among other creatures in nature . Hammerhead sharks , komodo dragons , mole salamanders , and an assortment of other reptiles , fish and insects can all produce offspring without mating .