
shì chǎnɡ lì liànɡ
  • market forces
  1. 让我们从市场力量谈起这种力量将一名富时100指数(ftse100)成份股公司的白领主管投入中国的监狱。

    It helps to start with the market forces that have landed a white-collar FTSE 100 executive in a Chinese prison .

  2. 休斯敦莱斯大学(riceuniversity)研究员艾米迈尔斯贾菲(amymyersjaffe)表示,在市场力量推动沙特石油出口转向的同时,美国的能源政策也起到了一定作用。

    Amy Myers Jaffe , a research fellow at Rice University in Houston , said that while market forces had redirected Saudi exports , US energy policy was also a factor .

  3. 保罗克鲁格曼(paulkrugman)曾说,过大的市场力量最终很可能提高平均资本租金,同时降低企业所理解的投资回报。

    As Paul Krugman , the economist , argued , too much market power can easily end up raising average rents to capital while reducing the return on investment perceived by corporations .

  4. 未来港口(Portsofthefuture)的民营化特征要求港口经营人具有真正的商业才能,以市场力量和市场需求为导向,而不是听命于地方和中央政府。

    The characteristic that Ports of the future runs by private capital requests the port t operator have the real business talent , with the market power and the market need as guidance , but not obey orders from the local and the central government .

  5. 另外,由于市场力量发挥了更大作用,大量资金从B地区流向了A地区,A地区和B地区经济和金融差距会更加扩大,从而会更加扩大地区之间的城乡收入差距。

    Moreover , due to market forces playing a greater role , large capital flows from the region B to A , which will further widen the gap between the economic and financial area , so that it will further widen the income gap between urban and rural areas .

  6. 他在备忘录中解释道:之前,大部分基金管理人很少关注商业周期、整体GDP趋势或者是政治力量的潜在影响,他们关注的焦点是管理能力、产品优越性、市场力量。

    Previously , most managers paid scant attention to business cycles , overall GDP trends or the potential effects of political forces   .   .   .   they focused mainly on management prowess , product superiority , marketing clout , his memo explains .

  7. 以Keeley(1990)为代表的传统观点认为竞争会削弱银行的市场力量,减少银行的边际利润,也就是降低银行特许价值。

    The traditional view supports that greater bank competition reduces market power and profits margin , which essentially lowers the franchise value of banks .

  8. 大致而言,自由主义者和亲市场力量站在一边;

    Broadly , liberals and pro-market forces stand on one side ;

  9. 这次则是市场力量主导的低迷。

    This time , it is market forces leading the way .

  10. 市场力量一直是反垄断法最为核心的概念。

    Market force is always a core concept in anti-trust law .

  11. 渐进式转型中市场力量的作用及其局限性

    The Action and Limit of Market Power in Gradually Transition

  12. 企业规模、市场力量与民营企业创新行为

    Firm Size , Market Power , and the RD Behavior of Non-governmental Enterprises

  13. 社会资本、市场力量与学校变革

    Social Capital , Market Force and School Reform

  14. 市场力量、市场份额与信息不充分

    Market power , Market Share and Incomplete Information

  15. 另一棘手的问题涉及在市场力量形成的同时控制通货膨胀。

    Another thorny issue involves controlling inflation in the face of emerging market forces .

  16. 使经济受市场力量支配,增强私营企业的作用。

    Opening the economy to market forces and increasing the role of private enterprise .

  17. 当然,许多问题都会通过市场力量得以缓解。

    Of course , many of the problems will be mitigated by market forces .

  18. 技术和市场力量的干扰,是唯一已知的变量。

    Disruption -- through technology and market forces -- is the only known variable .

  19. 第二,转型的过程应由市场力量推动。

    The second principle is that the process of transformation must be market driven .

  20. 一方面,规制和监管对市场力量产生约束。

    On the one hand , regulation and supervision create constrains on market forces .

  21. 排污权交易是运用市场力量来保护环境的一项新的环境经济政策。

    Emission trading is an environmental economic policy which depends on the market mechanism .

  22. 全球化、市场力量与学校选择政策

    Globalization Market Forces and School Choice Policies

  23. 市场力量在医疗领域也是管用的。

    The market will work in medicine .

  24. 对非律师人士来说,光靠市场力量无法让法律体系变得更加公平。

    It will take more than market forces to make the system fairer for non-lawyers .

  25. 公平贸易与传统贸易一样仰仗市场力量,他写道。

    Fairtrade rests as much on market forces as conventional trading does , he writes .

  26. 采购方的市场力量对反拍卖电子采购的价格的影响显著,其市场力量越大,控制交易的能力就越强,承担的风险就越小。

    The buyer 's market power is significant to price formation in online reverse auctions .

  27. 不过作为一个类比,它可以很好地描述市场力量对于软件质量的影响力。

    But as an analogy , it describes well the commercial pressures on software quality .

  28. 这会鼓励现状继续保持下去,而不是形成中国自称希望实现的由市场力量决定的体系。

    This encourages the status quo , not the market-driven system China says it wants .

  29. 一些人开始认识到,单靠市场力量并不能解决社会问题。

    Some are beginning to acknowledge that market forces alone will not solve social problems .

  30. 而市场力量又必然使之趋于均衡,因此常常会出现套利机会。

    So , arbitrage opportunities emerge frequently .