
  • 网络GRD;drachma;Greek drachma
  1. 希腊德拉克马、爱尔兰镑、葡萄牙埃斯库多、西班牙比塞塔、意大利里拉,可能还有法国法郎,相对德国马克都已经贬值。

    The Greek drachma , the Irish punt , the Portuguese Escudo , the Spanish peseta , the Italian lira and , maybe , the French franc would have devalued against the Deutschmark .

  2. 当初欧洲各国采用单一货币欧元时,一纸相对简单的国内法律按照规定汇率把以希腊德拉克马、西班牙比塞塔、芬兰马克和德国马克计价的合约转换为了以欧元计价的合约。

    When countries joined the single currency , a relatively simple piece of domestic legislation converted contracts in drachmas , pesetas , markkas and Deutschmarks into contracts in euros at a prescribed exchange rate .

  3. 但当各国退出单一货币时,就不能简单地逆转这一过程了,而是必须指明,哪些合约将按希腊德拉克马履行,哪些依然采用欧元,或者转换成德国马克。

    But you cannot simply reverse that process when countries leave the single currency . You have to prescribe which contracts are now to be fulfilled in drachmas and which remain in euros or converted into Deutschmarks .

  4. 斯莫尔伍德对实行高利率的过渡时期进行了讨论,此举旨在鼓励保持希腊储蓄,作为最后贷款者的希腊央行的德拉克马(希腊本币)信贷将加强这点。

    Mr Smallwood discusses an interim period of high interest rates to encourage Greek deposits to stay put , reinforced by lender-of-last-resort drachma credits from the Greek central bank .