
  • 网络Imperial University;Imperial College;empire university
  1. 《化学文摘》(CA)数据库收录了204条来自台北帝国大学的研究论文文摘,涉及到108名作者,但是没有出现中国作者姓名。

    204 abstracts and 108 authors in Taihoku Imperial University were cited by Chemical Abstracts . The authors are Japanese .

  2. 台北帝国大学图书馆。

    The Library of Taihoku Imperial University .

  3. 该联盟包括诸如伦敦帝国大学,Bristol大学,牛津大学以及剑桥大学等名校。

    Their ranks include the likes of Imperial College London and Bristol University along with Oxford and Cambridge .

  4. 论京师同文馆的高等教育性质台北帝国大学及其出版物的研究

    On Imperial Tung Wen College as A Higher Educational Institution

  5. 1913年他进入东京帝国大学,学习英国文学。

    He began writing after entering Tokyo Imperial University in 1913 , where he studied English literature .

  6. 伦敦帝国大学的目标则在降低贫困社区学生的辍学率。

    Imperial College , London , aims to ensure that fewer students from poor neighbourhoods drop out .

  7. 原名郁文。1922年毕业于东京帝国大学经济科。

    He was a graduate from the Department of Economics , Imperial University , Tokyo , Japan .

  8. 亚洲科技大学与英国帝国大学紧密合作、同发展,致力于走在科技理论的前沿。

    On the academic front , development progressed just as quickly and smoothly along the terms of the service agreement with Imperial College .

  9. 他1916年毕业于日本东京帝国大学林科。

    Graduating from the Forestry Department of Tokyo Empire University of Japan in 1916 , he dedicated all his life to forestry education and scientific research .

  10. 中学毕业后,苏步青前往日本深造,先后在东京高等工业学校和东北帝国大学学习。

    After graduation from middle school , he went to Japan for further study . At first he entered Tokyo Industrial High School , and later Northeast Imperial University in Japan .

  11. 伦敦帝国大学气候变化机构主任布莱恩·霍斯金斯称政策变化产生的支持的关键可能是这些事件在有影响力的国家发生的频率更频繁,更为严重。

    The director of the Climate Change Institute at London 's Imperial College , Brian Hoskins , said the key to generating support for policy changes may be when those events happen more often , and more severely , in influential countries .

  12. 在东北帝国大学学习期间,他在研究一般曲面的时候发现了4倍几何锥形面,这在几何研究领域是一个突破,日本和国际数学界将其命名为“苏氏锥形面”。

    During his study in Northeast Imperial University , he found 4 times algebra cone-shaped surface in study of general bent surface . It was a breakthrough in geometry research . Mathematical circles of Japan and the world named it as Su 's cone-shaped surface .

  13. 英国伦敦帝国理工大学的研究科学系高级讲师MichaelJones说,利用现有的荧光显微镜直接探测一种病原体的存在可能是令人激动的发现。

    Imperial College London , United Kingdom , says that using a fluorescence microscope to directly detect the presence of a pathogen is potentially exciting .

  14. 从网站上看,这是一个巨大的教育帝国:数百所大学和高中,拥有优雅的名字,教授们在阳光斑驳的美国校园里微笑着。

    Seen from the Internet , it is a vast education empire : hundreds of universities and high schools , with elegant names and smiling professors at sun-dappled American campuses .

  15. 在英国91所顶级大学当中,有超过20所坐落于伦敦,其中就包括知名学府伦敦帝国学院、伦敦大学学院,以及新成立的威斯敏斯特大学、格林威治大学。

    Of the 91 top universities in the UK , more than 20 are in London , including well-known institutions such as Imperial College London and University College London , and more recently established universities such as the University of Westminster and the University of Greenwich .