
chánɡ zhù lián hé ɡuó dài biǎo
  • permanent representative to the United Nations
  1. 中国常驻联合国代表刘结一参加会议并表示中国坚决反对朝鲜核试验,该试验无疑是在无视国际社会的反对。

    Chinese Permanent Representative to the United Nations Liu Jieyi addressed the Council meeting and said that China firmly opposes North Korea 's nuclear test , which is the universal objection of the international community .

  2. 法国常驻联合国代表里佩尔(Jean-MauriceRipert)说,这份声明如我们所希望的那样,向朝鲜发送了一个明确的信息。

    ' It is a text which sends out , as we intended , a clear message to North Korea , 'said French Ambassador Jean-Maurice Ripert .

  3. 阿富汗常驻联合国代表塔宁(ZahirTanin)告诉安理会,他的国家处在“关键的转折点”。他认为塔利班的袭击是经过精心策划的阴谋,试图引起阿富汗人民的恐慌,阻碍国际社会对阿富汗的支持。

    Afghanistan 's U.N. representative , Zahir Tanin , told the Security Council that his country is at a " critical . " He called the increase in Taliban attacks a well-orchestrated attempt to fear among Afghans and international support for his country .

  4. 侯赛因切莱姆,土耳其常驻联合国代表。

    Huseyin e.celem , permanent representative of Turkey to the United nations .

  5. 纽约阿拉伯常驻联合国代表小组

    Arab Group of Permanent Representatives to the United Nations in New York

  6. 美国常驻联合国代表哈利勒扎德对伊朗是否真地改变了政策表示怀疑。

    U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Zalmay Khalilzad expressed some skepticism as to whether there is a real shift in Iranian policy .

  7. 中国常驻联合国代表已向秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯交存了中国加入该条约的文书。该条约将于交存0天后对中国生效。

    The Permanent Representative of China to the UN has deposited the country 's instrument of accession to the treaty to Secretary-General Antonio Guterres .

  8. 中国常驻联合国代表张业遂在表决之后对记者说,北京坚决反对北韩进行核试验,北京希望看到一个无核化的朝鲜半岛。

    Chinese Ambassador Zhang Yesui told reporters after the vote that Beijing was firmly opposed to North Korea 's nuclear test and wants to see a denuclearized Korean peninsula .

  9. 联合国安理会延期召开了紧急会议,但是未达成一致意见。美国常驻联合国代表团在会上发出一份声明草案,谴责缅甸政府的判决。

    The United Nations Security Council has adjourned an emergency session without agreeing a response to the sentencing of Burma 's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi to a further period of detention .

  10. 美国常驻联合国代表苏珊赖斯:“上周在亚的斯亚贝巴签署的有关安全、石油、财务、国籍和贸易问题的协议非常重要,可能是历史性的。”

    US Ambassador Susan Rice : " The agreements that were signed last week in Addis on security , oil , finances , nationality and trade issues were very important and potentially historic . "

  11. 英国投了弃权票。投票之后,英国常驻联合国代表索尔斯表示,尽管英国政府坚决支持国际法庭,但是英国对在这个问题上寻求一项没有约束力的意见究竟是什么目的提出质疑。

    Britain abstained from the vote , and afterwards , Ambassador John Sawers said that while his government strongly supports the court , it questioned the purpose of seeking a non-binding opinion on this matter .

  12. 挪威、泰国和乌拉圭常驻联合国代表团于5月31日世界无烟日在纽约联合国总部举办了一次午餐会,庆祝《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》。

    On World No Tobacco Day ( 31 May ), the Permanent Missions of Norway , Thailand and Uruguay to the United Nations hosted a luncheon at United Nations headquarters in New York to celebrate the WHO FCTC .

  13. 叙利亚常驻联合国代表巴沙尔贾法里指责安理会一些成员实际上在煽风点火。贾法里:“同样还是这些国家,正在通过鼓励恐怖主义并向在叙利亚的武装团体提供各种后勤、财政和政治支持,破坏我国的主权。”

    Syria 's UN ambassador Bashar alJa'afari accused some council members of actually fuelling the flames : " The same countries are undermining my country 's sovereignty by encouraging terrorism and by supplying and providing all types of logistical and political support to armed groups in Syria . "

  14. 中国常驻联合国代表刘结一表示,联合国安理会高度关注南苏丹局势发展,支持联合国和非盟等地区组织继续加紧做各方工作,全力劝和促谈。

    Liu Jieyi , China 's permanent representative to the UN , says the UN Security Council has been watching closely on development of the situation in South Sudan and supported the efforts of the UN and the African Union which seek to reach a dialogue between all parties of the country to realize peaceful resolution .

  15. 巴勒斯坦常驻联合国观察员代表团

    Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations

  16. 非洲联盟常驻联合国日内瓦办事处代表阿杰·库马尔·布拉姆迪奥表示,中国在非洲人权发展方面发挥了重要作用。

    Ajay Kumar Bramdeo , the AU 's representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva , says China is a significant role in helping foster better human rights in Africa .

  17. 中国常驻联合国日内瓦办事处代表俞建华强调,发展是解决冲突、保障人民根本利益的关键。

    Yu Jianhua , China 's permanent representative to the UN Office at Geneva , has stressed the role of development as a key to resolving conflict and ensuring people 's fundamental interests .