
píng fāng
  • square;sq;square metre
平方 [píng fāng]
  • [square] 自乘[一个数或量];乘二次方;数的自乘积

  • 81是9的平方

平方[píng fāng]
  1. 保护区占地面积大约1140平方公里。

    The reserve covers an area of some 1 140 square kilometres .

  2. 这个房间面积是12平方米。

    The room is 12 square metres in area .

  3. 64的平方根是8。

    The square root of 64 is 8 .

  4. 3的平方写作3²。

    Three squared is written 3 ² .

  5. 7的平方是49。

    The square of 7 is 49 .

  6. 4的平方等于16。

    Four squared equals 16 .

  7. A的平方加上B的平方等于C的平方。

    A squared plus B squared equals C squared .

  8. 英国人的卫生间平均只有区区3.5平方米。

    The average British bathroom measures a measly 3.5 square metres .

  9. 菲律宾只剩下6,000平方公里的森林了。

    The Philippines has just 6,000 square kilometres of forest left .

  10. 埃克斯穆尔高地国家公园位于高原贫瘠之地,占地265平方英里。

    Exmoor National Park stretches over 265 square miles of moor .

  11. 该大楼有约25,500平方英尺的带空调的办公室。

    The building provides about 25,500 sq ft of air-conditioned offices .

  12. 救援人员已经搜遍了30平方英里的范围。

    Rescue crews had scoured an area of 30 square miles

  13. 两层浮油漂浮在7平方英里的区域上。

    Two oil slicks are covering a total area of seven square miles

  14. 大火烧毁了大约4万平方公里的森林。

    The fire destroyed some 40,000 square kilometres of forest .

  15. 亚马孙河流域已有40万平方公里的森林遭到滥伐。

    400,000 square kilometres of the Amazon basin have already been deforested .

  16. 它的总表面积为7,000平方英尺。

    Its total surface area was seven thousand square feet .

  17. 这些岛屿总面积为625.6平方公里。

    The islands cover a total area of 625.6 square kilometers

  18. 金丝雀码头计划要提供1,000万平方英尺的办公面积。

    Canary Wharf was set to provide 10 million square feet of office space

  19. 成功地将租金降到每平方英尺1美元。

    It manages to knock rents down to $ 1 per square foot .

  20. 开罗居民的人均绿地面积仅13平方厘米。

    Cairo has only thirteen square centimetres of green space for each inhabitant .

  21. 记下用了多少秒时间,将其平方,再乘以5.12。

    Take the time in seconds , square it , and multiply by 5.12

  22. 3平方米的厚板倾斜放置着。

    The 3-metre-square slabs are on a tilt .

  23. 这套公寓的面积大约有300平方英尺。

    This apartment is roughly 300 square feet in size .

  24. 那个国家的人口密度为每平方英里685人。

    The population density of that country is 685 per square mile .

  25. 这间屋子是五米的三米,合十五平方米。

    This room is five metres by three , or fifteen square metres .

  26. 16是4的平方。

    16 is the square of 4 .

  27. 中国丝绸古道上的敦煌莫高窟内的壁画是世界最长的石窟画廊。窟内有壁画45,000余平方米。

    The painted murals in the Dunhuang Grottoes along the ancient Silk Road in China form the world 's longest painted corridor , with a total of 45,000 square metres of painted murals .

  28. 中国是世界上最早种植水稻的国家。浙江省余姚县河姆渡遗址,距今已6,000多年。在这个遗址中发现分布遍及400平方米的水稻遗物,证明中国是最早种植水稻的国家。

    China was the first country in the world to plant rice . This is evident in the remains of rice covering an area of 400 square metres found in the ruins of Hemudu in Yuyao County , Zhejiang Province , which dates back more than 6000 years .

  29. 这场森林大火延烧达五百平方公里。

    The forest fire spread over an area of five hundred square kilometres .

  30. 这是一片20平方英里的未开发的森林。

    It was twenty square miles of virgin forest .