- 网络median age

The median age on the African continent is 17 .
The median age of the population rose from 29 in 1987 to 35 in 1997 .
( P < 0.01 ) . The median ages of the dead cases of the cerebrovascular diseases and ischemic heart diseases were 72.07 and 68.28 respectively .
The age median of death was 6.54 years old ( 6.74 in male and 6.29 in female ) .
Now , the median ages are 27 and 29 , and one in five adults older than 25 has never married .
The median age was 12 months ( ranged from one month to 180 months ) . The age of 485 cases ( 51.5 % ) was less than 12 months .
The median age of deaths was 1 years and 5 months , under 3 years of age accounted for 97.8 % , under 5 years of age accounted for 98.9 % . 3 .
The median age of the first sex was 18 years , average number of male sex partners was 4.4 , and 36 3 % of the participants had female in the past six months .
We assessed both the use of western and traditional medicine . Results A total of 2063 patients were included . 70.8 % of them were male , and the median age was 71.0 years .
Nuclear reactors generate only 14 % of the world 's electricity , and with a median age of about 27 years ( see chart ) and a typical design life of 40 a lot are nearing retirement .
Results The median age of the subjects was 1 year and 7 months , with minimum 1 week and maximum 16 years . The median disease course was 12 months , with minimum 4 days and maximum 9 years .
In Japan , where the median age is already 45 and the trend of falling fertility and rising longevity began much earlier , goods producers have long been aware of the need to tailor products for older adults , says Mr Stroud .
This is asking about what the average age is ,
The median age at first dyeing was 40 years ( range 3-50 ) .
Age of first smoking was 13.63 years old in college students , 13 . 28 years old in male and 15.83 years old in female .
Results The middle age of the patients is 24 months ( ranges : 1 month to 14 years old ) . The patients under 3 years old account 57 % .
In 1960 , the median age for a first marriage was 20 for women and 22 for men , and just one in 10 people over 25 had never married .
The mean age was 26.87 with the median of 26 years old , and the oldest mother was 56 years old while the youngest 18 years old .