
xìnɡ jiāo yì
  • sexual transaction
  1. 国际劳工组织(InternationalLaborOrganization)估计,全球大约有1230万人从事强迫劳动或担保劳动,或者性交易。

    The International Labor Organization estimates 12.3 million people are in forced or bonded labor and sexual servitude around the world .

  2. 不过这笔开拓性交易于去年突然终止,Circle因财务方面的困境和外界对其表现日益增多的批评,仅履行10年期合同的3年就撤出了这家医院。

    The trailblazing deal came to an abrupt end last year when Circle pulled out of the hospital just three years into a decade-long contract amid financial troubles and mounting criticism of its performance .

  3. “GoingDutch”现在有了全新的意味。(原意是AA制买单,现用来表示欧洲男性纷纷涌向荷兰,递交申请担任驾校教练。)荷兰议会通过了一项决议:用性交易支付驾校学费是合法的。

    It brings a whole new meaning to the expression " going Dutch . " Government ministers in the Netherlands have confirmed that it is legal for driving instructors to offer lessons in exchange for sex .

  4. 甚至与警察官员性交易的方式来避免被逮捕。

    or even into having sex with a police officer to avoid arrest .

  5. 只有当那些贫穷的女性移民进行性交易时,才让一些女权主义者不安。

    It 's the fact of poor migrant women selling sex specifically that has some feminists uncomfortable .

  6. 据圣约家园统计,其中有四分之一是人口拐卖或性交易的受害者。

    One in four , according to Covenant House , are victims of human trafficking or sex trade .

  7. 你我都同意这些,但我仍然认为,禁止性交易是一个糟糕的政策。

    You can agree with all that -- I do -- and still think prohibition is a terrible policy .

  8. 2009年3月,16岁的约翰·凯特西斯在克雷格列表网站上发布一条广告,想要进行性交易。

    In March 2009 , 16-year-old John Katehis placed an ad on Craigslist offering sex in exchange for money .

  9. 现在的英国也许就站在作出是否使性交易合法化历史性决定的边缘。

    Now it appears the UK may be on the cusp of making the historic decision to decriminalise prostitution .

  10. 在一个更加美好和平等的社会,将会有很少的人为了生存进行性交易,

    In a better , more equal world , maybe there would be far fewer people selling sex to survive ,

  11. 理论上,从事性交易不被允许,但帮这种公司接客会怎么样?

    On paper , sex isn 't allowed , but what 's it like to go on a call for one of these agencies ?

  12. 他们已经准备好去实现夺冠大业,并且用赛季初这个周六(美国时间)的第一个爆炸性交易证明了他们的决心。

    They 're ready to compete for a title , and they proved that Saturday with the first blockbuster trade of the early NBA season .

  13. 在荷兰,性交易是合法且受到法律管制的,性工作者被视为“个体经营”并且可以在报纸和网络上公开发布广告。

    Prostitution is legal and regulated in the country , where sex workers are considered " self-employed " and can openly advertise in newspapers and online .

  14. 到1870年,中产阶级已逃离这个街区,该街区也成为纽约最大性交易区的核心地带。

    By 1870 , the middle classes had fled and the block was at the heart of one of New York City 's largest sex-work districts .

  15. 但他们同时他们表示,反过来如果是学员主动提出用性交易换取课程,那就是违法的。

    They said that if the transaction were reversed , with students proposing " personal services " in return for lessons , then this would be unlawful .

  16. 上周,媒体曝光了广东省东莞市普遍存在的性交易情况,近几天,警方已展开了大规模的扫黄行动。

    Following media exposure of widespread prostitution in Dongguan of Guangdong Province last week , police in recent days have waged a large-scale crackdown on the sex trade .

  17. 去年杰塞普前往印度范德比尔特大学,花了两个星期在多所院校演讲何避免奴隶贸易商和性交易。

    Last year Jessup traveled to India where the Vanderbilt University senior spent two weeks speaking at a dozen colleges on how to avoid slave traders and sex trafficking .

  18. 自1960年以来,东南亚国家便将性交易视为非法活动,但这一行业仍有超过12万名性工作者,而政府也经常被指责对这一现象视若无睹。

    Prostitution has been illegal in the south-east Asian country since 1960 , but the industry employs more than 120000 sex workers , with authorities frequently accused of turning a blind eye .

  19. 两年前,她被人带到位于南德里周边的社区从事了五个月的性交易,这个名字就是那些人给她取的。

    She was given the name by the people who sent her to have paid sex with men in neighborhoods on the fringes of South Delhi over five months , starting two years ago .

  20. 原著中有关性交易的敏感剧情将会给改编剧带来巨大挑战,有多少原著中的内容将得以保留也是粉丝们关心的话题。

    Sensitive plot lines about prostitution pose a difficult challenge when it comes to bringing this written work to the screen . How much of the original novel will be kept in the adaptation is a concern for many fans .

  21. 本文介绍了连续双边谈判模型中Agent所使用的议价策略,该策略使用启发式规则和模糊推理机制适应了交易信息的不完整性和交易环境的不确定性。

    This paper proposes a bidding strategy for Agent in continuous double auction . The strategy uses fuzzy rules and fuzzy reasoning to cope with incompleteness of information and uncertainty of trading environment .

  22. 信实集团经常寻求从中国国有控股银行获得廉价融资,最初是在2010年达成一笔开拓性的交易,使其能够为信实电力(reliancepower)购买100亿美元的中国设备。

    Reliance has typically sought cheap funding from Chinese state-backed banks , beginning with a pioneering deal in 2010 that allowed it to buy up to $ 10bn worth of Chinese equipment for Reliance Power .

  23. 模型得出,资产价格波动性和交易量正相关,交易量将影响价格变化方差,条件方差的演化类似于传统GARCH模型。

    The mode implied that it is positive correlation between asset price volatility and transaction volume , which affects price variance , conditional variance evolves just like traditional GARCH mode .

  24. 基于混合分布假定(MDH),研究了中国股票市场信息流、回报的波动性和交易量之间动态关系。

    The dynamic relations of the information flow , return volatility and trade volume in Chinese stock market is investigated based on the Mixture distribution hypothesis .

  25. 然而目前的B2B电子商务系统难以满足协同商务的要求,其存在如下局限性:交易实体范围过窄、跨网络系统集成困难、交易对象发现功能不足。

    The traditional B2B e-business is mainly based on web page technology and has three facets of problems , such as business entities not being complete , unable heterogeneous system integration cross internet and difficultly discovering business object .

  26. 店铺的分布有明显的区域性,交易网络的度分布说明现阶段我国C2C电子商务交易网络基本遵循幂律分布,存在核心店铺。

    The distribution of online shops has a remarkable regional distribution . The degree distribution of the transaction network basically follow power-law distribution at this stage of Taobao development , and the core shops exist in the network .

  27. 在投资者会议上,投资者向劳埃德高级独立董事、现任副董事长桑迪利奇(SandyLeitch)表示,似乎没有人对最终被证明是灾难性的交易承担责任。

    Sandy Leitch , the senior independent director of Lloyds and now deputy chairman , was told at meetings with investors that no one seemed to have taken responsibility for what was turning out to be a disastrous deal .

  28. DGT协议利用了数字商品的特点,克服了传统电子交易系统在安全性、交易证据、认证机制复杂性、客户隐私保护和数字商品支持等方面的一些不足。

    But there are still many limitations and immature aspects in existence aesthetics . The DGT protocol improves many limitations such as security , evidence of transaction , complexity of authentication in traditional electronic transaction system .

  29. 德勤(Deloitte)的KatharineLeQuesne表示:第一次进军英国或欧洲大陆酒店市场的中国投资者,需要把握一个多样化的市场、竞争性的交易环境以及大量极富经验的全球投资者。

    Katharine Le Quesne of Deloitte said : Chinese investors approaching the UK or European hotel markets for the first time need to get to grips with a diverse marketplace , a competitive transaction environment and a large pool of highly experienced global investors .

  30. 但是在交易的便捷性和交易纠纷处理方面还有一定的缺陷。

    But SET is not perfect in convenience and analyzing responsibility .