
xìng gāo cháo
  • orgasm;climax
性高潮[xìng gāo cháo]
  1. 不管有没有性高潮,只要能带来快乐两性英语就是美好的。

    Sex is good when it 's pleasurable regardless of orgasm .

  2. 听着,我知道我可以帮你达到性高潮。

    Look , I know I can help you have an orgasm .

  3. 周一,两名作者在《实验动物学杂志》(TheJournalofExperimentalZoology)上推断,女性性高潮这种反应起源于逾1.5亿年前的哺乳动物,当时是为了排出卵子,让其在性行为结束后受精。

    On Monday , in The Journal of Experimental Zoology , the authors conclude that the response originated in mammals more than 150 million years ago as a way to release eggs to be fertilized after sex .

  4. 性高潮时最大的强化想象。

    An orgasm is one of the biggest reinforcers imaginable .

  5. 基底动脉夹层动脉瘤可致性高潮头痛

    Dissecting aneurysm of the basilar artery as a cause of orgasmic headache

  6. 性高潮障碍正当男子勃起而女性则需要妥善性高潮障碍成为润滑。

    Foreplay gives the man proper erection while women need foreplay to become properly lubricated .

  7. 等性高潮被最终根除

    When the orgasm has been finally eradicated

  8. 科学家希望,通过对这些过程的进一步了解,为那些无法到达性高潮的患者带去福音。

    It 's hoped that further understanding of these processes will help patients who are unable to achieve orgasm .

  9. 现在,又有两名进化生物学家加入争论,提出了一种新的思考女性性高潮的方式,它的基础是再现其古老的历史。

    Now two evolutionary biologists have joined the fray , offering a new way of thinking about the female orgasm based on a reconstruction of its ancient history .

  10. 作为证据,他指出这样一个事实,那就是某一种特定的抗抑郁药能够导致某些病人在打哈欠过程中体会到性高潮——这是一个很快就会失去其吸引力的罕见的副作用。

    Asevidence , he points to the fact that certain anti-depressants can lead somepatients to orgasm during a yawn - a rare side effect that could quickly lose its appeal .

  11. 杂志前作家凯西•莱特称,1/3的女性达不到性高潮,这表明男性还有很多改进之处,而女性正好可以教他们。

    Kathy Lette , a former writer for the review said a third of women were not achieving orgasm which showed men still had a lot to learn , with women well placed to teach them 。

  12. 这项新理论或许有助于揭示人类女性性高潮起初如何进化而来,不过帕夫利塞夫与瓦格纳表示,这并不能平息有关它对女性今时今日起到的作用的讨论。

    The new theory may shed light on how the human female orgasm first evolved , but Dr. Pavlicev and Dr. Wagner said that it doesn 't settle the debate about its current role in women .

  13. 劳埃德博士认为,对女性性高潮的最佳解释是,它并没有任何进化上的意义,不过是男性性高潮的发展的副产品。

    Dr. Lloyd thinks the best explanation for the female orgasm is that it hasn 't served any evolutionary purpose at all . It 's nothing more than the byproduct of the development of the male orgasm .

  14. 这是一个疲惫的,不大可能的,历史性的赛季高潮。

    It was the culmination of an exhausting , improbable , historic season .

  15. 她的小说是通过日常生活叙事,细节描写、对话性、反高潮等手法凝固时间,并设置地域空间和情境空间来获取空间形式的。

    Her narrative obtains spatial form throngh settting regional space and situation space and coagulating time by meas of narration of the daily life , description of discourse and countering hightide .

  16. 我国金保工程规划起于十五前期,起步建设在2004年,2005年掀起了全国性的建设高潮。

    In our country , the planning of Gold Security Engineering took up at the beginning of the Tenth Five-Year Plan , then started constructing in 2004 . And the year 2005 saw its national construction boom .

  17. 根治性前列腺切除术的性高潮伴尿失禁发生率较根治性膀胱切除术高,其与进行前列腺切除术术式并不相关(开放对比腹腔镜)。

    The incidence of orgasm associated incontinence is greater with radical prostatectomy than with radical cystectomy and it is unrelated to the type of prostatectomy performed ( opens laparoscopic ) .

  18. 首饰记录了部分历史图像,二十世纪初的传统首饰是政治性和共同的记忆,过渡到建国后的毛像章达到了政治性记忆的高潮。

    Jewelry records the images of history , at the beginning of the 20th century , the traditional jewelry is the memory of political and common experience , after the foundation of PRC , the coin of Chairman Mao as a kind of jewelry reached the climax of political memory .