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  • performance optimizing
  1. POWERBUILDER应用程序性能优化

    Performance Optimizing of Power Builder Practical Programme

  2. 基于ORACLE系统的数据库性能优化设计

    Performance Optimizing Design of a Database Based on the Oracle System

  3. Internet存取性能优化的推测预取算法设计

    Design of speculative prefetching algorithm on internet retrieval performance optimization

  4. Web的财务查询系统的性能优化与实现

    Realization of optimizing performance of query information systems based on Web in finance

  5. Spring框架下Web查询性能优化研究

    Research on Web Query Performance Optimization under the Spring Framework

  6. 基于IP流本地性的状态检测性能优化方法

    Performance Optimization of State Inspection Based on IP Traffic Locality

  7. SqlServer应用系统性能优化的有效途径

    Efficient Ways to Improve the Performance of SQL Server Database Application System

  8. 使用了JavaScript语言进行客户端验证及界面性能优化,给小容量的嵌入式web服务器减轻了负担并给客户端提供了友好的用户界面。

    Using JavaScript to take the client-certification performance and optimize the web interface .

  9. WINDOWSCE便携式媒体播放器性能优化设计

    Design for Optimization of Performance of Windows CE Portable Media Player

  10. SqlServer数据库性能优化

    The functional optimization of SQL server data base

  11. 基于R树查询的性能优化

    The Optimization of R-tree Based Query

  12. 基于FEM的机械结构静、动态性能优化设计

    Optimum Design of Static and Dynamic Properties of Mechanical Structure Based on FEM

  13. DB2数据库应用性能优化问题浅谈

    Discussion on the Performance issues of DB2 Database Application

  14. JSPWeb应用性能优化的探讨

    Optimize Application Performance of JSP Web

  15. P2P系统的性能优化:研究综述

    A Survey : The Performance Optimization in P2P System

  16. 一种基于TD-SCDMA接力切换的TCP性能优化方法

    A Method for Improving TCP Performance Based on TD-SCDMA Relay Handover

  17. 基于SqlServer7.0大型数据库应用系统性能优化的研究

    The research of performance optimization of very large database based on SQL server 7.0

  18. Oracle性能优化中系统参数的分析与设置

    Analysis and configuration of parameters in Oracle performance optimization

  19. 基于Mesh对等网的IPTV直播分发建模、监测与性能优化研究

    Research on Model , Monitor and Optimization of Mesh Overlay Based IPTV Live Streaming

  20. 性能优化的无等待时间Δ-∑adc技术

    No Latency Δ - Σ ADC Techniques for Optimized Performance

  21. 攀长钢LF炉精炼渣性能优化

    Property Optimization on Refining Slag of LF Furnace in Changcheng Special Steel

  22. UNIX系统内核及其性能优化探讨

    Discuss of UNIX kernel and system capability optimizing

  23. 基于客户端缓存的JMS性能优化

    Improvement of JMS performance based on client cache

  24. 现有的Web服务复合一般都采用静态绑定的方法,无法实现服务的动态绑定和整个服务流程的动态性能优化。

    The current composition of Web services usually employs a static binding approach so that services can 't be dynamically integrated and the overall service process cannot be optimized .

  25. 锅炉性能优化系统SOAP降低氮氧化物排放应用试验

    Industrial Test to Decrease NOx Exhaust by Means of Bolier 's Performance Optimization System Named as " SOAP "

  26. ASP应用程序的性能优化

    Optimization of ASP Application

  27. 本论文主要探讨了基于J2EE规范的oracle数据库应用系统的性能优化设计问题。

    This paper based on J2EE standard oracle database applications designed to optimize the performance of the question .

  28. 基于HTTP请求的ORM性能优化研究

    Research on ORM Performance Optimization Based on HTTP Request

  29. 具有高活性及扩孔结构载体的Mo-Co/r-Al2O3催化剂的制备方法及其性能优化

    Preparation and fine performance of mo-co / r-al_2o_3 catalyst with the carrier of high activity and reaming structure

  30. 因此对它的研究主要集中在TiO2负载技术和性能优化上。

    Thus studies of nano-TiO_2focus mainly on its load technology and performance optimization .