
  • 网络buyout;Buyout Fund
  1. 不同类型的私募股权基金选择目标企业的标准是不同的,选择其中的风险投资基金、发展基金及并购基金分门别类地进行了研究。

    As private equity funds have different types , different types of private equity fund selection of the target enterprise standards are different . The risk investment fund , the development fund and the buyout fund are classify studied .

  2. 小型并购基金(35%)

    Small buyout funds ( 35 % )

  3. 广义的私募股权投资包括了风险投资(venturecapital)、成长型投资以及并购基金等多种形式,运用新型金融工具开展对非上市公司股权的投资活动。

    It has developed since late 1970s . In broad sense , Private Equity ( PE ) includes venture capital , growth capital and M & A fund as three main categories of investment . Private Equity invests in non-public companies through various financial instruments .

  4. 大型并购基金(13%)

    Large buyout funds ( 13 % )

  5. 尽管可以通过买并购基金大捡便宜,私募股权行业还是需要好好工作,好好办事,向投资者证明:他们不代表另一个债务泡沫,他们可以持续赚钱。

    Still , private-equity firms now have their work cut out to prove that they were not just another manifestation of an unsustainable debt bubble .

  6. 并购基金作为并购重组的新型融资手段,在推动产业结构调整、优化融资结构和改善企业内部治理结构等方面存着巨大的作用。

    Establishing buyout funds is a new way in equity trading , which plays an important part in the adjustment of industrial structure , the financial structure optimization and the improvement of company internal structure .

  7. 其中包括市场调研、顾问咨询、公司并购和基金管理。

    Services include market research and advisory services , acquisitions , and fund management .

  8. 在我国,越来越多的海外私募基金入驻,参与着各种企业的并购,本土私募基金尽管起步较迟,实力薄弱,但在大环境的带动下,也有了较快的发展。

    In china , more and more overseas private equity funds enter and participate in a variety of mergers and acquisitions . The local private equity funds , which is late start and weak strength , has also been rapid developed under this driven environment .

  9. 尽管对西方经济体健康状况的担忧不断加剧,但投资者仍赶在并购活动预期的复苏之前,纷纷将资金投入并购套利基金。

    Investors are rushing to put money into merger arbitrage funds ahead of an expected recovery in dealmaking in spite of growing fears for the health of Western economies .