
  • 网络Filing system;system of putting on file
  1. 加入WTO后实行的进出口经营权登记备案制使出口退税监管难度进一步加大。

    The registration system of import and export rights has further increased the difficulty of monitoring of the export drawback system after WTO accession .

  2. 备案制下市政工程质量竣工验收程序介绍

    Introduction of a Rule of Completion Acceptance on Municipal Engineering Quality

  3. 设立程序上,兼采登记制与备案制。

    The set up procedures should adopt both the registration system and record-keeping system .

  4. 中国化妆品准入制度向备案制转变的策略研究

    Study on how China cosmetic admittance system should transmit to a registration and recording system

  5. 备案制的具体实施办法由省级人民政府自行制定。

    The specific implementation method of the filing system is formulated separately by the provincial government .

  6. 成建制的劳务企业和施工企业之间的交易应该在有形劳务分包市场上进行,具体交易形式应该以交易合同备案制为主。

    The transactions between construction firms and labor firms should be conducted in the tangible labor subcontracting markets .

  7. 该制度规定房屋租赁实行登记备案制,房屋主管部门颁发的房屋租赁证是租赁行为合法有效的凭证。

    The system goes house tenancy register records and House Tenancy Certificate are legal and valid for tenants ' renting .

  8. 出口经营权由审批制向登记备案制过渡

    The transition from an examination and approval system to a registration and recording system for the right to engage in export

  9. 实施建设工程竣工验收备案制的意义与措施

    A study on the purposes and methods of the documentation final acceptance of construction projects Studies of Representative System of Juristic Person

  10. 对不形成或有资产、或有负债的中间业务适用备案制。

    And the registration and recording system is suitable for those intermediate business who has not asset-liabilities or will not form the asset-liabilities .

  11. 保险条款、费率的备案制比审批制更有利于提高监管效率。

    To compare with examination and approval system , the file system of insurance clause and premium rate is favorable to improve supervision efficiency .

  12. 对营利性医院实行医患双方协商签订单病种医疗总费用合约制度,实行备案制,并向社会公开。

    Profit hospitals on the consultation between doctors and patients sign a single disease contract the total cost of health care system , file and record system to an open society .

  13. 受政府委托的质量监督机构的微观质量监督主要研究了建设工程各责任主体的质量行为监督的内容、工程实体监督的运作方式以及竣工后的备案制的实施。

    The quality surveillance organizations mainly studies responsibilities main body quality behavior supervision of the construction project , operation way of the project entity supervision as well as the file system implementation .

  14. 在对此进行因素分析的基础上,作者提出了明确政府职能定位,推行项目登记备案制,实行投资业主负责制等改进意见。

    With all these factors analyzed , the authors put forward such corrective countermeasures as clear orientation of government function , files of program registration on record , and the system of investor 's responsibility , etc.

  15. 本文认为,只有逐渐放松对于博士后事业的行政管制,以备案制代替审批制,由服务型逐渐代替管理,才能促使博士后制度的参与各方建立基于科研奖励系统的自治管理制度和规范。

    It is pointed out in this thesis that only by gradually releasing the administrative control of postdoctoral course , and having management replaced by service , could we promote all involved parts of postdoctoral system to build up an autonomous management system based on the encouragement of scientific research .

  16. 实施备案登记制与分类管理模式可有效的解决现存的问题。

    Implement the " record registration and classification management " mode can effectively solve the existing problems .

  17. 中国现行的外贸代理制形式是以外贸经营权的备案登记制为基础建立的。

    The China 's present form of Foreign Trade Agency System is established according to Registration system of foreign trade rights .