
  • 网络home bias
  1. 财富经理还对中印投资者的“本土偏好”感到担忧。

    Wealth managers are also concerned about the " home bias " of Indian and Chinese investors .

  2. 台湾市场上的这一趋势,与大多数亚洲市场(除日本外)的情况形成鲜明对比。在亚洲市场上,散户投资者一般具有本土偏好。

    That trend in Taiwan is in stark contrast to the experience in most Asia ex-Japan markets , where retail investors tend to have a home bias for investments .

  3. 三聚氰胺事件对中国消费者国家形象感知及本土品牌偏好影响的研究

    The Impact of Melamine Event on Country Image and Preference for Indigenous Brands of Chinese Consumers

  4. 由于房车营地的稀少和本土用户的特有偏好,房车在中国的设计不得不改变。

    Because of the scarcity of RV campgrounds and local consumers'specific preferences , the design of RV in China has to change .