
  1. 在引用此类条文时,可把本票之出票人看作汇票之承兑人;

    In reference to these provisions , it can draw cashier 's drafts of the drawer as the acceptor ;

  2. 付款人是票据上载明的、承担付款责任的人,汇票上的付款人、本票的出票人和支票的付款银行为票据付款人。

    Payer is the person whose name is on the instrument , and should bear the obligation of payment , payer of the draft , remitter of note and bank for payment of the check are the payer .

  3. (五)汇票、本票的出票人签发无资金保证的汇票、本票或者在出票时作虚假记载,骗取财物的。

    Signing or issuing bills of exchange or promissory notes without funds as a guaranty , in the capacity of a drawer , falsely specifying the particulars thereon at the time of issue , in order to defraud money or property .