
  • 网络asset inventory
  1. 同时,传统的手工登记和管理办法经常出现遗漏信息或者报错价格数量等信息,不便于资产清查和统计工作。

    Meanwhile , the traditional manual registration and management methods often missed information or mistook price and quantity , which made asset inventory and statistical work were not convenient .

  2. 图书资料资产清查建库工作的组织与管理

    STATISTICAL DATA Organization and Management on Database Construction and Assets Assessment

  3. 图书资料资产清查工作的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration of Library Inventory Checking Work

  4. 论高校的国有资产清查工作

    Checking State-owned Property in Universities

  5. 浅谈高校合并调整中的资产清查

    A Brief Talk About the Checkup of Assets of the Colleges and Universities When Merged and Adjusted

  6. 本论文就是基于某保险集团资产清查管理系统建设的需求,架构设计了该保险集团的资产管理系统。

    Based on the requirements of the insurance group company asset management system , the thesis architectures and designs the system .

  7. 首先,本论文通过客观深入地分析该保险集团的资产清查管理的实际需求,借鉴作者实习单位已有的银行设备管理系统的实现,定义了该保险集团资产管理系统的需求。

    First , through analyzing the requirements of the asset management system and using the old system practices for reference , the thesis defines the system requirements .

  8. 对高校图书馆合并重组后资产清查过程中存在的问题进行探讨,并结合工作实践,提出了加强高校图书馆资产管理的措施。

    This paper has discussed problems existing in the asset checkup after merging and recombination of university libraries . By combining with working practice in the library , it has introduced measures to strengthen the asset management of university libraries .

  9. 为了更好地推进政府会计权责发生制基础的改革,还需要在立法、准则体系建立、固定资产清查、财务报告编制、信息系统的研发和政府会计培训体系等方面完善改革的配套措施。

    In order to better promote the accrual basis reform , we have to consummate the supporting measures of reform in the legislation , the establishment of standard system , the fixed assets inventory , financial reporting , information system development , training system construction and other aspects .

  10. 固定资产应当定期进行清查盘点,对于固定资产盘盈、盘亏的净值以及报废清理所发生的净损失应当计入当期损益。

    The fixed assets shall be taken inventory periodically . The net profit or loss incurred in discard and disposal , and also overage , shortage of fixed assets shall be accounted into current profit and loss .